Jake and I usually go out to breakfast on Valentine's Day. As the years have gone on, we have been forced to do other things since he's usually working and I don't want to get up at 6a.m. to eat breakfast. Not super romantic, since my eyes wouldn't even be open all the way. Well this year I got a great idea from a website I look at. We are each going to use a disposable camera to take pictures of "reasons why we love eachother". I'll develop them tomorrow morning and hand Jake his envelope without looking at it. Then we will make a list of reasons and explain the pictures, and then we'll give them to eachother! Sweet, right? Let's hear a big huge "awwww". Thanks guys. Happy Valentine's Day!
p.s. when I was single, especially in High School, I hated Valentine's Day. So if you're single (Jared, etc.) then I'm truly sorry I even brought this up and please don't be nauseous.
That is very sweet! You'll have to report on everything tomorrow...
Sarah, I think your little blog spot is amazing, and wanted you to know that! I hope you and your family are well in Florida...right? Congrats on the new baby girl...soon to come! (Probably not soon enough though, huh?) Take care, ey?
(Tiffany Shill...Old ward in Lehi.)
What a fun idea! I love it!
What a cute idea!! You'll have to post some of the pictures you guys took.
nice work sarah!! i am sure the pictures will be worth a thousand words! By the way i was in histarics (can't spell) about the whole wicker basket pee experience, you just never know with these girls do ya...i know jade and allie have something brewin' i can just feel it!
HNZAAAAA!! Nice guilt trip. Here's a freaking comment. Your music player covers half the text. That's no excuse though. I think your blog is amazing. I do look at it more times than I leave comments. I can't wait to chill with you guys soon when I get enough money to come out to Florida. Miss you guys tons yo!
super cool idea...we just might have to try this one!
Very cute idea...I, however, am not so cute at this. Picked up some raspberry chocolate sticks last night and he opened them up as soon as he got home. "Are these ours? Cuz I love them". So, I gave him the go ahead to eat them up...the night before Valentines. So romantic.
Way too sweet and so so clever. I did hershey's kisses in the shape of I heart U. Original. That's just the kind of girl I am, you know?
Ha Ha...that is really a fun idea! Maybe I will have to try that next year.
That is a really cute idea.
Dude I was reading that other post about how time flies by so fast and it's true. It seems like not long ago I just got to utah and was chillin with you and Jake in your college apartment where me and miriam ate all your ego waffles and I drove to provo every day. Seriously, it's like a freight train going way too fast.
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