Good luck.
And then a little like this:
Does this make you want to come visit me yet? Because you're totally invited.
On another note,
A kind soul, Cindy, who reads my blog and whom I have never met, sent me this book along with a few others for Christmas. I sat with my girls last night, one under each arm, read this book aloud to them and wept. I cried for the many things this book made me feel as I read through the last few pages. If you don't have this book, get it somehow. It's one of my absolute favorites and it will make you cry, too (unless you have a heart of stone and then, well, good luck with that).
Jacob survived thinly while I was gone, eeking out the minimum to survive. The girls' hair was very tangly, the car very messy, but the house was clean and the girls were healthy. And that's all I ask! He never complained to me once and it only further proved what a wonderful father he is. Thank you to Ashley and my other mother, Donna for helping!
I was surrounded by people whom I love so passionately and I return to Florida only to be surrounded again by more people whom I love. I feel lucky, tired and full to the brim with fresh memories.
Here she is getting ready to wrap the rest of the stuffed animals to put under the tree. Today, no uniform, no school rules, no homework, just a girl dressed in five different patterns and her "dancing shoes with heart socks". Ahh. Breath. Sigh. Love.
In our 7 years of marriage, this is the 12th time we've moved. I don't know why it is, but we habitually leave. We decided to try out staying, perhaps it has its benefits? We left our apartment last week, a place my brother lovingly refers to as, "The Meth Lab". It was a little small and a little dark, I'll give him that, but we made it work. We left our apartment and moved into our beautiful home. We've owned homes before, but for some reason, living in The Meth Lab has humbled us into oblivion. Not an hour expires without us appreciating! and loving! our mansion of a place. The water runs clearer! The air smells better! The ants are kinder here! The mud is less muddy! I love the fresh paint, the way the light shines on the lake in the evening, and those trees? They're OURS. And folks, I don't have time to explain how much I love trees. I appreciate the doorknobs, the closets, the cold tile. I just love everything and I know how lucky we are. We haven't always had it good, but I have to say... it's good right now.
People I'd like to thank:
Ruby for not squeezing Gogurt on my new carpet yet.
The girls for confining the deposit of bodily fluids to the bathrooms for once.
Lillie for sleeping better in her new room.
Donna, Donna, Donna.
My Jacob.