When's the nanny coming? Because she's late, real late. The girls are fighting about cereal bowls and the baby's gums are pregnant with teeth and my face is still smooshed where I was drooling into my pillow only a short blissful time ago. Can someone else do my job today? This includes but is not limited to, meals, laundry, cleaning, organizing, calling, driving, shopping, bathing, reading, bedding. Also included may be: reassure each child multiple times they are special in their own way, kiss the baby's face once per 10 minute period, make punishments fair and just without completely losing your own likeability, finish a few Florida real estate classes online in your 'spare time', administer Motrin to a squishy, fussy, teething, cheeky baby while her head waggles back and forth in frustration, and give endless amounts of comfort to wounded little ladies whose pain threshhold did not arrive intact. And one more thing. Nurse the baby. Nurse her until she drifts off to sleep and even then, hold her until her pain subsides. After you gently lay her down she'll wake up again when she needs an extra tight hold and she'll bury her face into your arm and only then will she be truly asleep.
Good luck.
non-matching socks are the coolest!
You are sooo funny!! Love the post...feel the pain! Yeah, I would come sub except I need my own sub!!! :) ttys!
ooops....deleted!!! I was going to add...I forgot I can't sub since my email from the county hasn't come through yet!!! ;)
That would be nice--just for a day. Any more than a day would be too long away from the babies!
I just told one of my girlfriends after yet another exhausting stressful day, "i don't care WHAT our 'mom' friends say...I'd take that life any day over this one" (the life of the single career girl).
Round 2 yet again goes to you moms...seriously, hats off to you.
(but please keep the hope alive that all your fun squishy lovey, tear-jerking posts make all this other stuff more than worth it? cause those of us "moms to be someday" still kind of cling to that hope)
i adore your blog...all the sweetness and all the honesty too!
I'm LOVING being home this week!! :) I feel like I have a sub for the work part of life and I can enjoy the best parts. Of course I only have Abby to keep up with and Jason is home too. Sweet vacation...if only it would never end!
I hope Lillie feels better soon and you get some sleep. I can tell Ruby is very adventurous...look at those legs! :)
I would be your nanny if I could. No joke. Although you would still have to do the feeding for Lillie. I miss you and would love to visit.
Sam got seven teeth in four weeks... I feel your pain sista! :) Really adore the photo of Ruby's socks!
Man. That fair little face perched on the opposite end of those lovely coordinated socks seriously means business! I certainly would want her on my side! And, I so admire you, Sarah.
Is smyliejean@yahoo.com your email address? I have an email I want to forward to you. A friend sent it to me, and you were the first person I thought of.
Sub me Ump! Just for a minute.
i LOVE that picture. seriously love it. perfect for the post. :)
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