Summer vacation is here and we're happy. A few signs: three children full of angst who are eating like they've been starved for the past eight months, heightened teasing of the baby (resulting in constant screaming), and toys strewn throughout the house.
I'll live. I always do.
I'm sure Lil's just lovin having the girls home all day long. Way cute picture of little Rubes. Can't wait to see you in July!
what, no extended murals on the walls? ill have to have a talk with ruby and grace
summer is the best...
Yay for summer! Swimming everyday!!!
Problems always seem less problemy (not a word I know) in summer.
Oh I just love this photo. Please frame it somewhere. And tell me that you guys are having this crazy thunderstorm-y weather too. Florida?? Are you??
This is a "to die for" picture. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! She is so beautiful.
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