Today was a blast. A blast of fun, arguments between sisters, peanut butter and jelly, and swimming x 2. Jake stayed late at work again tonight which is becoming quite normal, so when six p.m. comes, it hits hard. Right in the gut. Because there are all these girls with quivering lips who have eaten dinner but are not ready for bed yet. And they all need me, or so I think, until I pick them up and they're still whining and wallowing in the misery it is to be four! years! old!, or almost! one!
It's a delicate time of day.
Injuries start to multiply and part of me wants to just let them kill each other but at the last second I decide I like having them around. Besides, if Jake came home to limp bodies lying all over the floor he may start to question my judgement. And I'll say, "if only you would have come home on time"...
These last few posts have been priceless and totally me and my life! I love that you can put into words exactly how I'm feeling.
I'm also LOVING your pictures. I'm in Humboldt. Hoping to spend some time with Celeste, wish you were here...
SO FUNNY. I always tell Clarke that 7pm is my breaking point--I just lose my "nice mommy" status after that point.
too right. amen. tell it like it is. love, love, love you. love, love, love your blog. but then again, i think you already know that.
you are superamazingsarah who snapsspectacularphotos.
keep it comin'.
Haha so funny! Kelly works until about 730 and the minute he walks in the door, it's like: HERE, hold him! Do THIS, and help me with this... and pretty soon it's midnight and another day is over...
That time of day is a challenge for sure. I think for me it's because I keep telling myself that if I can just make it to five o'clock Bret will be home...rushing in as my Prince charming and rescuing me from the almost ready for bed but not quite yet children!
It's a love hate relationship with this time of day. I ADORE this time of day with the light and especially when bret is in fact home we're usually outside, basking in the evening sunlight, full bellies and a partner to help man the troops :)
Your blog is beautiful!
#5 Shelley
Hi Sarah, that time of day must be an eternal principle because i remember it well with my six. I learnt to peel potatoes with a baby on the hip and bouncing another in the bouncinette with my foot and threatening the other four with death if they came screaming complaints again, just hoping they lasted just till i had dinner cooking. Sometimes thought... Your doing a great job love Aunty shelley
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