I also woke up to the sound of my neighbor's six kids getting ready for school in the morning rather loudly. Their mom struggles to raise them since the [younger children's] father is in jail for a probation violation. He comes home at the end of November. The mother had a baby in April while the baby's father was in jail. Now the baby is six months old and has never seen her dad.
We babysat this little sweetheart the other night. I held Lillie while Jake walked around with this little brown-eyed girl showing her various things around the house. She was terrified of him, though minute by minute, she stopped crying and stared into his eyes, at his scruffy beard, his big hairy arms. She sat with him in the rocker and fell asleep against his sprawling chest. Jake and I had tears in our eyes while the thoughts hit us all at once. This little bug of a baby, the youngest of six, was missing so much. Dads just do weird things, like walk around saying weird phrases in Spanish so loud it practically bursts your eardrums (or maybe that's just Jake). They tell crazy stories, feed babies ice cream, and many other crazy things that moms would never dream of. Her father has missed everything about his new baby daughter and will come home not knowing her at all. How unnecessary and sad for both of them! It really made me want to adopt a few babies. Give them what they deserve, a loving home with support and stability. Babies should know that things change, friends come and go, possessions are temporary, but parents are here to stay.
The last sentence made me cry.
LOVE your photography.
beautiful. That's all I have to say about your writing. It's so true; there are so many babies who lack the simple blessing of love. You are so wonderful, always touching the lives of those around you. Love ya sarie.
why do your posts always make me cry? (sweet cry, you speak truths.) all we can do is love our little ones so much and hope it just spreads to those we come in contact with.
you are a beautiful person.
You ARE a beautiful person! And a wonderful mom! Your girls are so lucky to have you!
Funny, this post reminded me of your Dad. No wonder you fell in love with Jake! :o)
i think women have a natural tendency to reach out. it is less common for men to appreciate the children of others. thankfully it's a blessing that each of the smylie have been given and willingly cultivated...my dad had it. my brothers have it. now it's wonderful to see that it is continuing with this next generation of men...real men...who can love and appreciate the gift of a newborn because it's a gift, and not just because it's theirs. i'm so glad to have married that type of man and that i catch glimpses of that love in connor.
i'm madly in love with them all!
kiss the girls for me...we miss you all...ali arrives today so it's a happy day for us.
I have the same feelings when I am encountered with a child that is not given 100% love at home from a mom and a dad.
I totally agree. There are times I just want to take kids home with me just so I know they are getting a warm bath and a warm meal...I just keep thinking in Heaven....things will be different. I had fun catching up on your blog...you are a great mom...And I miss you..
OH. So good.
Everything changed when I had my first baby--- wished I could somehow save every baby in the world. It's just not fair-- and if nothing else, it at least reminds us to squeeze our babies a little tighter and thank our lucky stars they were sent to us.
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