Our Lillie Donna Smylie. 9lbs 2oz, 21" long. 06-28-08.
She is here. I am in a deep love all over again. I love everything. The pacifiers, the milk comas, even the little digestive system that is working in full force! I love her. Her neck smells like an angel and she is the most beautiful thing (along side G and R) I've ever seen.
It is impossible to keep this short:
I woke up at the beach house on Saturday, June 28th (two days past my due date) at 4a.m. with contractions about 10 minutes apart. They ached, so I knew they were much different than the others I had been having for months. I stayed awake with them for a couple of hours, and finally woke Jake and told him to pack up our things since we needed to drive an hour and a half toward home and the hospital, possibly. Contractions continued, and by 9 a.m. we were back in town and in the hospital with them 5 minutes apart. I was dilated to 3-4 cm. and kept laboring, walking the hospital halls for an hour. They checked me again and I had not dilated any further. I was then informed that I was not in active labor and, "Honey, you'll know when you are because you won't be SMILING, ok?" I was like, "Do you want to fight?" But, we took our things and went home, frustrated, still having crampy contractions about 6-10 minutes apart.
I went to my mother-in-law's for a few minutes, hoping to take a bath and relax and then decided to go home and stick with Jake and those noisy energetic girls that are my other daughters. It was around 1pm. For the next few hours I ate chocolate, baked some bread and tried to pass the time. I read some labor stories on the internet and really thought that my labor was fake and that it was going to go away and I would be pregnant forever. You know, those kind of rational thoughts.
This is where the fun begins. I was on the phone at 6:10pm when my water broke. Two distinct pops and small gush. There was no mistaking it. I was so excited and I believe I even squealed in delight. This meant that I wouldn't. be. pregnant. forever. Wonderful! Jake started moving around erratically getting our things together. We took a few photos of Grace's new gap and I BLOGGED. Hey, I figured, my water broke with Grace and she wasn't born until 14 long hours later, so I thought I had at least a little bit of time. But no. People, I didn't have time. I wish I would have known.
Contractions get strong, they get fast, they get close together. We put things in the car and wait for Jake's sister to show up to watch the girls. Suddenly, I felt some very strange pains. I tell Jake we need to leave NOW. We put the girls in the car and drive a couple of blocks to a parking lot where Jake's sister meets us. I am squinching my eyes shut by now from the strong pain that is taking over my body so quickly. It is 6:38pm when we leave the parking lot, heading to the hospital. We drive for another 5 minutes and I get my first bearing down contraction. As in I feel like I need to push a baby out of my body. This is not a pleasant feeling, especially since I'm in the passenger seat of a mini-van.
Contractions are right on top of each other and Jake is passing people illegally in the turn lane. At this point he thinks I'm in tremendous pain but does not know the extent. I am groaning and moaning. We pull into the hospital parking garage, I get out of the car, stand up and start pushing right then and there. I couldn't help it. I was trying not to. Jake was panicked, with hospital bags in his hands, poised at the elevator, looking at me in total shock. It was then he realized this could happen right here instead of upstairs with the doctors and nurses. That contraction passed and I waddled to the elevator. He ran to get me a wheelchair when we got out of the elevator, I sat down, I tried to [not] push her out in the wheelchair. It was very, very hard not to. I was making weird noises, Jake was sprinting pushing me as fast as he could down the hall. Back in the elevator to go upstairs. Baby is coming. Now. People are staring. Feel like we are in a movie.
Finally get upstairs, nurses help us into a room, I get out of the wheelchair and say very loudly that I want an epidural. I know in the back of my mind that it's too late. Too late for anything. But I ask anyway. Nurse tells me to sit on the bed. I say no I have to push. I am standing up next to the bed, gripping the mattress, literally feeling like the baby is going to fall out and if I sit down I will sit on her head. That contraction finally eases up just enough to rip my street clothes off, get a robe on, and lie on the bed (6:56p.m.). One nurse says, "Honey, we need to check you!" She doesn't even touch me, takes one look down there and says "She's complete! Sorry, but you're not getting an epidural!" Jake says later that he could see her head crowning. At this point, the whole room explodes with commotion and the doctor comes speed walking in the room and only has time to put on one glove. The nurse is then telling me not to push yet. I yell at her that I can't help it! One little push and her head is out (6:58p.m.)! Extreme euphoric pain, but relief and happiness is right around the corner, I can feel it.
The cord was wrapped around her neck twice (I had my eyes shut tight through this part) and she didn't cry right away. I delivered the rest of her body and she was then thrust onto my chest. I cried then. I cried for my beautiful new daughter, cried in relief, in shock. Jake cried, we both knew that this was a turning point in our lives. It was the most bonding thing we've ever been through. After that, it was a blur. They weighed her and I think somebody took my blood pressure. They had me sign all the forms I was supposed to sign before I was treated. Donna and Ashley were supposed to have been in the room for the birth, but were only minutes behind us and missed it entirely. They came in literally 5 minutes after she was born and started taking photos and video (thank you!!).
I am feeling good. Everyone has been so helpful to us! Our family couldn't have been more kind, thoughtful and generous. It is good to be so loved! My head is in this weird fog and everything in my life seems to look blurry except that sweet little face of my new baby Lillie. She was worth it. Life could not possibly get any better than this.

Sarah & Jake,
Congrats!! I loved your story...it made me laugh and then cry all at the same time. What an experience. She is adorable, adorable and looks like Gracy I think. It is amazing how immediately I thought she looks like the other two. Sounds like you are doing well. Have fun with your new little lillie.
oh, sarah - i am reading this at work and trying to keep the tears in my eyes to a glistening pool and not the raging niagra! that was beautiful - baking bread and birthing babies all in a matter of hours...you are truly amazing. i am officially in awe!!!
love her name - the women she's named for are passionate, strong and determined - trust me...she's gonna be able to hold her own in this world!
my vote goes to the ruby in the look-a-like competition. i love how soft she is - so sad i won't get to nuzzle into those soft little rolls. my girls are dying!
we love you all more than you know. love, hugs and kisses to all. i will try and give you a call later tonight - i haven't wanted to intrude, i know things can be so hectic.
all our love, sharry, steve, caitlin, connor, maddie & liam.
What an awesome story! You did so good on waiting to push. I can only imagine!
She is gorgeous! It was so great to be able to see her yesterday. I love the pictures, but I think the last is one of my favorites. Try to relax and enjoy that beautiful girl.
Seriously. This was the best labor story I have ever read. She is BEAUTIFUL. Gorgeous. And the crazy story doesn't match up to what a peaceful angel she looks like. Could she really already be smiling at a mere days old in that last photo?! I can't believe it, but she is.
Wish I could come hold her and hear the whole story in real life again sitting next to you. I've already read it twice.
Grace, Ruby and Lillie. I'm in love with your girls Sarah.
Well done sarie. I can't wait to see her!
I just LOVE her SO much!!!
WWWOOOOWWWWW!!!!!! What an AMAZING story. She turned, beautiful vacation, tooth lost, baby practically born in the hallway. . .WHoa!!! Yay!! There is nothing like childbirth, an ethereal batter of earth and sky. A singular moment of selfishness and divine sacrifice as one. . . sorry, I'm in a mood. I am forever strangely attached to that moment in my own life. Cool.
BEAUTIFUL pictures!! Painfully gorgeous moments in time. . .
You are the WOMAN! I am so excited and can't wait to see her! ANYTHING at all...just let me know! I'm thinking playdate real soon.
CONGRATS!! She is beautiful. You did so great!! I loved the story...Can't wait to see more pics :)
Congrats! She is beautiful. I loved the story. You really are amazing!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the name and she's adorable..I can totally see her sisters and parents in her already! the pictures are beautiful! Hope all is well...
Congratulations! She is beautiful. Your story sounds like it could be a movie, felt like crying when you described the end! :)
Congratulations! What a story. She is absolutely beautiful!!
Yeah!!! Congratulations! She is so beautiful and so Tiny... I love that you mother-in-law is a photographer... you have the most beautiful pictures of her. I love the name Lillie... so sweet. I loved hearing your story... man she came fast! That is funny that you wanted to fight the nurse and wonderful that it was such a bonding experience for you guys. I'm so happy and excited for you. I can't wait to hear how Grace and Ruby love her.
You've got me laughing, crying and ahhing like crazy! What a sweet, beautiful baby. At first I thought she looked just like Ruby but now I think she's a mix of the two. Ruby in the eye area and Gracy's mouth and lips?
What a GREAT story. I love it. I can't believe you almost had her in the car, parking lot and then in the hospital hallway. Crazy! I am dieing that you asked for an epidural when you were fighting the urge to push. That would have been me all the way.
So glad you have close family to help you guys out. Nothing better! How did the girls react to your water breaking?
I love her name. Who is Lillie after? Oh man all these babies are making me baby hungry! Not yet!
Oh and I've been checking your blog almost hourly for this! Thanks for giving us so much detail.
Sarah she is BEAUTIFUL!!!! What a fun ( now that it is over ) birthing story! I bet the girls are so excited to see their baby sister. She is just perfect!!
Oh my gosh! She is SO stinkin cute! Good job Sarah and Jake!
HO. LEE. CRAP! What a relief you made it to a bed (barely!) I was on the edge of my chair reading it! I have been dying waiting for the birth announcement. She is another beauty...Good luck, Hon!
Congratulations Sarah and Jake! What an amazing story. I'm glad you had her in the hospital room and not in the car or lift. Lillie is a real beauty XOXO
She's beautiful! Thankyou for filling me in with all the details. I laughed and cried. You're wonderful. And I love the name too. I wish I could come and visit.
Well, you have me in tears! She is absoutly beautiful. What a story she's going to have... I think we can expect great things from her!
Nothing is sweeter than the birth of a new baby. Sarah, she is absolutely beautiful. Your words and images have immortalized this moment forever. Well done. You and Jake should be proud.
She is sooo adorable, congrats Sarah!!
I can't believe it!! You are amazing! I hate when they tell you to go home! Crazy people! Congratulations on everything! The beautiful baby and the amazing birth! I am glad that you are ok! The pictures are absolutely amazing!
Seriously sarie...could she be anymore adorable?! Congratulations. I love love love her! I wish I could hold her and love on her. I miss you and the other smylies more than you could ever imagine. I think she looks exactly like ruby but with gracie's lips. Lillie is one of my favorite names. I have it in the top 3 of baby names for my future children. It fits in perfectly with ruby and grace. Love you and best wishes.
Sarah & Jake,
I'm so thrilled to have had the opportunity to help out! Holding her at the hosp. & last night was awesome. She's beautiful, another one from the Sarah & Jake mold :) Seriously, I thought you were kidding when you said your water broke when we were on the phone :)
I'm glad everything worked out and she's here safe and sound! Lillie picked the perfect family!! Carolee
Congratulations Sarah (and Jake, Grace and Ruby)! She is such a sweetie and I love all the pictures. That is such a great story to tell her some day and I'm so glad you made it there and didn't have her in the mini-van! Glad you are ok - we have been thinking and praying about you in the past few days!
I just realized her initals are LDS. Very cute!
Oh Sarah! Congratulations. She is beautiful! Love all the pictures, the story, the name. Love it all!
So glad you guys are all doing well! Can't wait to see more pictures!
wow, wow, wow, there just is nothing like childbirth and the instant euphoria of meeting the child you have been carrying for 9 months.
So glad that you and Lillie (gorgeous name) are well and that Jake survived.
You can just tell she belongs to your family, there is such a strong family resemblence between Lillie and Grace and Ruby. Lots of love.xx
Your story is incredible and intense!! I can't believe it - crazy! She is gorgeous and I just love all of those photos. Totally capture the miracle of baby girl Lillie! I can for sure see your little girls in her. First thought was she looks like Ruby!
Congratulations! She is so beautiful. THere is nothing (NOTHING!!) like those first few days. What a story.
Congratulations! She is so beautiful. THere is nothing (NOTHING!!) like those first few days. What a story.
Oh Sarah! Lillie is BEAUTIFUL! She looks like Ruby to me. I read this last night, ... logging on to your blog was the very first thing I did when we got home from the baseball game (11pm)!!!!!!
My goodness, what a story. I caught myself saying tiny little prayers for random "good wishes" as I was reading it...and then realized, it was all over and I was reading it after it happened to you. It was like speed reading a best seller that you can't possibly put down! You are AMAZING. Simple as that. I can only imagine what you went thru. I'm so blown away.
I hope everyone continues to be great and that Grace & Ruby are getting lots of chances to snuggle with their new baby sister. Congratulations, girl! :o)
I hope you're still revelling in all of it. She is beautiful. A little Ruby--with some of her own. We love you guys so much and are so, so happy.
Ok, so I didn't have time to read the story until now. That is insane! Those crazy Southern hospitals, I've heard too many stories. I can't believed they turned you away when you were PAST your due date. And you almost had her in the car, holy cow! She is so so precious though, she looks so much like Ruby. I love the name Lillie too. Alex is still talking about her "cousins" Grace and Ruby. Can't wait to meet her in person, when are you moving back west anyway??? Love ya girl! Congratulations!
Look at this-- I could have sworn I was checking you every few hours, then I miss a night, and come back to this. And 37 comments! You are so so loved Sarah. I wish I knew you outside of this screen. What a killer story. I'm so jealous! you've got me sure that if I had the guts to make my doctor wait on my c-section, Sophia would have eventually turned and I could have had all these crazy experiences in my life with a natural childbirth. I'm SO glad it all went so fast and well and she's HERE! She's absolutely beautiful. I second the Ruby resemblence (I guess I "tenth" it or something, by now)... and of course, I LOVE the name!
She's so so so so perfect.
That was seriously the coolest story I've ever heard. You do hear/see those things in movies, but never in "real life." I cant believe you had that experience. Poor Jake. I bet he was just having a massive panic attack the whole time. Congratulations, Sarah! You are one amazing woman. So, is it true that you forget the pain as soon as the baby is born? Would you ever go without an epidural again if you had the choice?
ha ha - good thing you DID take time to blog or where would THAT story be?! Your little Lillie will love love love it. Make sure you print these months of blogging her pregnancy/birth and make a book for her. Congrats - good luck - remember to make the euphoria last through those late nights of feeding. Oh and she is gorgeous!
im number 41?! oh sarie, is it bad that im more impressed by your number of comments than by your birth story? anyway, im so glad i was here for all of it. everyone is right, she is beautiful. i think i'll come over and see her.....
Congratulations!! She is beautiful, i loved reading how she finally came into this world, amazing! I am so glad everything turned out perfect for you guys! I can't wait to see her when i get back to Florida! love mel
Congratulations! She is beautiful! I can't believe how much she looks like Ruby! Crazy delivery! I am glad everything worked out! Third babies come FAST!!!
oh my--what a story! You were right--right out a movie! I hate that they sent you back home, then you about had a baby in a minivan...
She is BEAUTIFUL. I know what you mean about being in the fog--ENJOY every second of it... CONGRATS!
That was such a wonderful and desciptive entry. Beautiful baby. She is so perfect! I am so happy for you and so glad that you made it in that room and on the bed when you did.. I can't wait to read more about the baby!
Wow- I'm sitting here crying! Congrats to you & Jake on a beautiful new baby girl! Yeah! She looks so cute & I love her name too. I can't wait to experience giving birth again, although I'll hopefully skip the emergency part of your story! We miss you guys, but are glad that you are doing so well. Congrats again! Len & Laura
Thanks for sharing pictures of your beautiful baby and the exciting story of her coming into the world. Chris M.
Welcome to the world Lillie Donna! She is beautiful. i love that new baby smell. i don't think i'll ever get enough. wish we were close enough to nuzzle her too.
Cousin Rachel
Ok, girl so I am sitting here bawling my eyes out! What an awesome experience!
Holy cow what an amazing story. Babies are so wonderful. I love your blog. It seams like all is well. Enjoy her, it goes by so fast. My little Dawson is 9 months old now. It seams like only yesterday I had just given birth and walked over to my sisters. You took a darling picture of Dawson.
wow 50 comments! OK so that is crazy it all happened so fast- I mean after the water broke. I want to squeeze her little face. Congratulations!
She is an angel sarah!! Intense story, so glad all is well:)
WOW this is the most camment on a blog i have ever seen,53.
I have been so exited to hear about your baby i am so happy for all of you
Megan Hanekamp
Congratulations-another beautiful baby for you!! You and Jake make beautiful children!
Oh my goodness, i can't believe how many comments you have...there must have been a lot of people on baby watch. What's it feel like to be so loved, or is that stalked??
I just keep coming back to take another look. I just realised she was 9 pounds 2 - wow!! You did good girl!
What an exciting birth story. I just can't imagine. She is so beautiful and so are you of course. Can't wait to see more pictures.
That last pictures is adorable! Glad things went so quickly! Congratulations!!!
Sarah and Jake she is so beautiful. You have a great delivery story. I love the name. Again Congratulations!
CONGRATULATIONS! She is adorable. Welcome to the world Lillie.
Not sure how I found your blog but congrats! Amazing birth story...sounds very similar to my last. She is simply gorgeous!!
Oh Sarie: You are the woman! What an experience and the joy of holding such a soft, sweet-smelling bundle is all the reward you need! The warm baby smell and all the soft places. Congratulations. The name is beautiful and one she will be proud of. Much love to you all. I may get to see her in a couple of weeks if the job interview comes off. Hugs and kisses....dinah
Congratulations!! what a beautiful little girl with a beautiful name.
Sarah!!! I haven't checked in forever! she is sooooo beautiful, you are beautiful. what a wonderful moment for your sweet little family, I am so glad she is healthy and that you had such a wonderful moment and um experienced FULL child birth, WOW!!!! You go girl!! she is beautiful just like her mama and sisters. :)
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