This week we have a good line-up. Tonight is the first night of The Bachelorette. I will be able to tell with this first episode whether or not I'll be into it. Tuesday and Wednesday are the American Idol Finales... And Thursday is the Grey's Anatomy Finale. I am still a die hard Grey's fan and will be until I... well, die hard. American Idol, hm, I know David A. is going to win but I kind of don't want him to because then he'll do that "Aw Shucks" face that he does every time someone says something nice about him and I'll just get more nauseous.
If you told me ten years ago that I would own a TV, watch TV, have cable, and time my night around the start time of a TV show, I would say that you were ON something. But here I am, a TV watcher. And I blog about it. I swear, I do talk about more interesting things.. just not this week.
Hahahaha! We have the same TV taste! I can't believe I time my night around "my shows" either! LOL!
I love to watch my TV shows too. I would be fine if either David won American Idol. But David A would do that---oh I can't believe it face. It is a little annoying. I just record my shows on the DVR and then watch them whenever I want--it's great!
Yeah. It was pretty obvious that night that they announced the top 12 that David A. was going to win. I just wanna slap him in the face everytime he does that little "cute" look. Anyone have a 12 gage?? haha. I used to watch Grey's Anatomy but ever since i started work, I haven't had much of a life. And as for the Bachelorette, I always find that show to be much more entruiging than the Bachelore. I wonder why? ;)
I think you should try and get addicted to Law and Order SVU. Now that's an amazing show. Or even The Office.
Man, i am peeeeeved. i totally forgot about the Bachelorette. Will you text me and tell me if was good? Thanks. But Sara..we need to watch LOTS of TV so we can curse at the skinny girls AND have our pregnancies go faster.
I got on to peak at your picture... thought I'll come back to read-- no time, must go sit and start TV time with Ross, pretty sure the Bachelorette is recorded far enough in to start... and then I got hooked by like your.... first word like I always do. Sophia is ALWAYS throwing herself on the floor these days. No matter how public and filthy. It's awful.
I am SO ashamed and yet have SO come to terms with being an avid TV watcher and I haven't heard anyone describe the "aw shucks" face. Holy Cow. Perfect. Drives me nuts.
I just rememebered I need to call you. Why is life so darn busy when at the end of every day, I can't think of a single thing I "did."
Speaking of David A., what was i just reading? Oh yeah, Newsweek was reporting on all the Mormons on reality TV. So far, most of them have nauseated me for various reasons. Anyway, I honestly feel like I haved lived in a bubble because I have not had time to watch even 2 hours of TV with all that has been going on this semester. I love your blog. lots of love
We had countless tantrums, screaming, whining, etc yesterday. So, yea, my daughter got the memo.
I'm getting over grey's, which makes me sad. Maybe I'm just over meredith?
Greys is the best and my favorite show....love ya A/di
TV. Shows. Totally understandable. It's a finite event - I'm going watch THIS show for THIS period of time.
Ok Sarie, just noticed your photography sidebar and am fascinated! A couple of them are people I've looked at for wedding photography. Can we email about this? I'd love your opinion or details on what you know about any of them.. or who/what you'd recommend...
Awww thanks Sarie! You are so sweet. It's all thanks to having a mom that is good at photography.
It's official. August 3 to September 9. I am so excited. I want to travel a lot and one of the places to start is definitely Aussie Land.
No mo school for me!!!! I am relieved yet sad. Mixed emotions of being done with homework but never being able to see a lot of the people I know again. It's surreal. I never thought the day would come.
I know!!!! Stupid Andy! It's so funny though that Phillis caught Dwight and Angela though. haha.Totally a surprise!
I want to come over there and visit so bad. I want to see everyone so badly. I miss all of you guys so much!!!
This is a great TV week, American Idol and LOST! I have to admit, I like David Cook better. I like his style of music better. I might vote for David A, because of the Utah connection. They could probably build a temple with his 10%.
I used to watch Amazing Race, Bachelor, and Surivior, but have weened myself of those shows. For me it's hard to work full time, be a mom, and watch all my shows.
This summer when you're bummed, because nothing is on TV, you should rent Lost. It's my fav!! Chris
You might be surprised about which David will win... I don't know, I'm just sayin'. The thing that bugs me about Archuleta is the 'closed mouth deep breath in through the nostrils' thing. BUGS! BAD! ps...you should get yourself a DVR.
So I watched the Bachelorette last night and I must say that those men were a little too desperate to get attention! And some of those men are mental!!!!
I have always loved TV. I can't wait for 8:00,the kids are in bed and watch TV till 11:00. It just makes life sweet.
One year we had this cute little 'aw shucks' kid like David A come second. Anthony Calea is now a major recording artist because the mums and nanas alll just love him, mothers day and birthdays. Coming second didn't hurt him I think David A will be fine no matter what his result.
Haha. Oh amen. That guy who wore that crazy Jacket was really odd. I liked that guy who was the Science Techer. He was really cute and quirky and nerdy. I think I will watch it this season too. My friends think I am dumb for liking reality shows so now I am really happy that I will have someone to chat about it with.
Love ya Sarah!
So what did you think of Bachelorette? Not too many cute guys but how many "normal" guys would go on a show like this?
I'm watching AI as I type. Totally getting you about the nauseas look David A. gets. HE just did it!
I'm all about all of those programs. What will we do next week?
Grey's is great but I only watch it because after is Brothers and Sisters which I love. I, like yourself, live my life around the shows in the evening - thank goodness for husbands that know how to program the machine to tape my shows. xx
that david "ah shucks" face drives me nuts too! The kid is an amazing singer...but really, he is way too nice!
i am not ashamed to admit i am a tv addict too. no shame in that!!
Ruby is so funny. she is simply the funniest thing this side of the mississippi. seriously. i love her.
seriously, David A. makes me want to puke. David Cook would be so much better, but hopefully he will get picked up by a record label and be amazing! I heart Grey's too always will. I live for my TV too, it's okay, we can all be TV junkies together.
honestly, i haven't watched american idol since the auditions - the shock and awe affect of what some people view as "hidden talent" is my favorite part. once i can't mock their perfomances i tend to lose interest.
that said...the woman in me...the part that needs closure...is dying to know who won?
it's one of the cruel ironies of being female!
Dude seriously. David Cook WON!!! I had a gut feeling that he would win!!!! Although I thought that David A. would win because he captured the hearts of every single person in Utah and all those under the age of 16. 12 million people voting. Crazy!
so it's hard to unwind without t.v. at night. I don't remember becoming so crazy about the shows that are now days.
I'm glad though that David A. didn't win, I hate when the newscasters here in UT get so excited about someone from UT in the national news. They interview the dumbest people to get the "inside scoop" or "first look" ugh! Isn't there more important things going on in the news then to interview the bag boy at Smith's that carried out his groceries?
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