The girls weren't feeling well and hardly slept on Saturday night, so I went to church alone and when I came back three hours later, these cards are what they had made for me! I love them so much and anyone that has talked to me knows I can't stop talking about them. Jake made up the questions, took photos of the girls, uploaded them, and printed them along with the questions. The girls answered everything themselves, and I was in heaven. Moms love sentimental, and that's the truth.

I also got a NEW LENS. Let me emphasize: this lens is a heart melter. I love it, the possibilities are endless and now I've got a great Zoom and a great Prime. The new lens for those of you who care: Canon's 50mm F1.4. Nothing short of exactly what I wanted for Mother's Day. And how, do you ask, did I sneak in a prenatal massage on Saturday? I do not know, but I am one lucky, lucky girl. It felt so nice.
Wow. Will you bring all of this up around Levi?
those kid question answer things are always a riot - i love how they get it...but not quite! back-house steakhous...we'll have to try it! :)
also, i have that same lens - i love it, love it!!
happy day!
your mother's day seems to be one of perfection, you lucky lucky lady.
I LOVE reading the kid answers. They are always so funny, but Ruby's answer that blankees remind her for mommy was my favorite. What a snuggler, right?
Happy Mother's Day (you lucky girl with a prenatal massage)...
Go Jake! That is the sweetest thing, I love it. I need to show Brad this later and have him take some mental notes. I wouldn't be able to stop talking about them either.
It sounded like Ruby just answered for herself. How funny, I am definitly going to steal this. And congrats on the new lense! Can't wait to see lots of pictures!
Your girls are so adorable! Those cards are the best. Congrats on the new lens and fun to get a prenatal massage! I'm sure it was divine.
Those cards are definately a keeper. So jealous about the new lense, can wait to see more pics. xx
Jake gets major points for that. Husbands all over the world are cringing, Big Mick is the pits he has this way of screwing up his face when I ask him to do similar stuff as if to say 'why, I see you everday'. I almost wish he was back on his mission and writing to me every week. My mother's day gift was similarly themed. I got a video camera. I love technology.
I thought it was cute how Grace said you don't work. If only she knew how much work being a mom really is. All of their answers are so sweet and innocent.
Chris M.
I love that idea! That is so sweet and would have made any Mom's Mother's Day wonderful!
BTW, I just discovered your blog from a friend of a friend of a friend. Does that make sense? I was bored at work one day and discovered your blog and became engrossed. You are such a great writer. Check my blog out sometime, altough I am not as dedicated to it as I would like to be.
What a fabulous day you had. I love those cards... they are so cute and so sweet. And I love your new lens! What a great gift!
I love those cards...So so cute. I love sentimental things...but I have to say your last 2 posts have made me cry so stop that...I love you and miss you. Your girls are so dang cute.
Cutest mother's day gift ever! Go Jake. And Ruby and Grace of course.
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