And here is Grace being thrown by Jake.
Some goggle marks.

Ruby lapses into these self-deprecating episodes... Picture her sitting by the side of the pool, eyes down, staring at the ground. Sometimes this lasts up to 45 minutes. It's usually just a long display of introversion. I take the "ignore her and she'll come out of it" approach. Jake, of course, is reeled in by the sheer depression and drama of it all. And that's why he's a good dad. And that's why we are given three daughters, because he's just cool (sensitive) like that.
Some photos from over the weekend... We live about five minutes away from Jake's parents. We swim in their pool almost every day. Between their house and ours is a chicken place called Zaxby's, and Sonic. I love these two places! From Sonic I usually pick up a cranberry limeade, and if I'm feeling generous and super hungry, I'll also pick up a chicken salad from Zaxby's. And it is so delicious (but 7 bucks!). And then we swim, usually with our cousins. And we eat chicken nuggets from Nana's freezer. And we have popsicles and fruit snacks, tomatoes, oranges and taquitos (we live by Sam's Club also). So without further explanation, today we are off to do the same thing we always do.

9-1pm: Chores and errands
1-4pm: Swim at Nana's house (sometimes replaced with a trip to the museum, but not since Mommy has been feeling very hot with low energy!)
In Florida, every day is a vacation.
Seriously... can I come stay a while?!! That sounds so great... you girls know how to have fun. i especially love the wedgie picture! :)
oh sarie. we missed you and your clan this memorial day. though we didn't get there until late, it was still a big shin-dig.
I miss you guys so much! I am coming to this land of never ending vacation to visit.
That's why I love the south! You can swim just about 6 months out of the year! We love Zaxby's salads and my kids crave the Sonic slushies.
Looks like poor Jake won't stand a chance with all those women in the house. My husband can relate. We had three girls then a boy. We use to kid my husband that there would PMS every week of the month!
Zaxby's is the BEST!! Thats one place I really miss from Florida, the other one...Moes, so good too!! You should go there if you havent allready. Also, the texas toast at Zaxbys is to die for...thats what I ate for about the last month of my pregnancy....not good for you, but who cares!!! Can't wait to see some pics of baby girl #3!
Ohhh...I could get use to that! What great memories you are building for your little girls!
I've had it! Imagine me throwing some shirt I'm folding onto the floor (yep, seven loads of laundry in one week, and you thought there was just three of us), and storming out of the apartment. Marching the long march to Levi's office and telling him that enough is enough. We're moving to Florida. To swim in the pool for heaven's sake, I say. Becuase they're all there. And they blog about it. And the subtext of every blog entry from every family member is the same, "Life is good when you're together." And New York heat started today and my and wee are sweating and sticky and there isn't a swimming pool for seven states.
Rough life. Your kids are living the dream. Where are the pictures of you looking so hot in your bathing suit?
the wedgie picture is classic. and that cranberry limeade sounds so good. cute girls and how nice to have a pool to cool off in when you are so close to giving birth. i'm jealous!
HI! I'm Dena...caught your blog off Debbi's (Iowa). Hope you don't mind...I'm linking you on mine shortly. I've LOVED reading your posts!
We now have a Zaxby's in Maumelle (Arkansas). Love it. We have a Moe's, too (in Little Rock). Love it. The first Zaxby's I ever visited was in Foley, AL on our way to Orange Beach for vacation. I'm so glad we have one - and that you have one, too!
Your girls are precious. Your life is such fun to read about!!! It's great to "meet" you!!
Everyday IS a vacation! We are so lucky. We love swimming with you guys! And just think...the summer is just beginning! :)
Is their pool in a greenhouse?! It looks absolutely amazing...and how many of you Smylies are down there b/c does that mean it is a party every afternoon? Oh, that sounds so nice right now.
The Cranberry Limeade. Speechless. I need one ASAP.
Wow. Can I just say that I am SO jealous!
Love little girl swimsuit wedgies! They're just so cute. And
That's a massive through of Gracie by Jake.
Rebecca, I really feel for you. It's just not right that the girls are rubbing their fun in your face :)
Good thing your girls don't have blonde hair with all the swimming they do. You're not making it easy for Grace to want to go to Kindergarten. She'll be at school thinking about you and Ruby and the babe swimming all day without her. Rough life, really.
I love how everything's screened in in Florida. It's nuts.
Okay so lifeguarding at the YMCA is not the same as a vacation everyday--we can't even see the sun--but I see plenty of baby-butt bathing suit wedgies. They are hilarious. This last Saturday, one of the little girls in swim class was having a wardrobe malfunction, so she decided to just take her whole top off and throw it up on the deck in the middle of class! I seriously had to stifle my laughter while appropriately addressing her lack of any social inhibition. Kids are so nuts. lots of love
Sounds like you have the life. I would love to spend my days by the pool.
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