Zee Flowers

Dork 1

Dork 2

Dork 3

The Inn

Six years. Six year of joy, laughter, vacations, children, some throbbing pain, some indecision, some over-decision, some rainbows, some under-eating, some over-eating, some cherishing, some taking-for-granted, some absolute moments of truth, a stupid purchase here and there, lots of real estate, some extended family, and most of all: lots of tender tender love.
I met Jake at UVSC one day when he sat with my friend at the lunch table. I went to talk to my friend hoping Jake would check it while I walked by him. I put on my best "Super cute, funny, flirty Sarah". No takers. He was very unfriendly, unnoticing and super boring. I couldn't figure him out. He must have thought he was way too cool for me. When he started working at the place I worked (Modus Media in Lindon, UT) he was confoundingly friendly and very very funny. I asked him if he remembered me from our meeting at UVSC. I learned that no, he didn't remember. ("HE DIDN'T REMEMBER ME??") He had been hospitalized with a concussion from a Snowboarding accident and the six weeks following the accident, he was angry and non-motivated and couldn't remember much (yes, definitely him at the lunch table). I thought, well, alright, if there was any excuse to use it would be that one.
So we were friends for about 6 months before we started dating (how did we hold out so long? He had a girlfriend). We couldn't leave eachother's sides after that, so we would be found sleeping on the floor of my apartment, in the car, on the front porch, in his apartment in a sitting position. We would just fall asleep trying to be together until 4 or 5 a.m. The first two weeks of dating I had to drop 12 of my 15 credits and only kept my Creative Writing class because it was at 1pm. He would take me to school, and wait for me outside my class. We would walk to the car together, and would have to go our separate ways to work waiting until the LAST minute possible. After work he would come to my house and we would be together for many hours. I remember one morning at about 3 a.m., we were falling asleep and we decided we needed something to keep us awake (so he didn't have to go home), so I spent an hour or two in the living room of my duplex teaching him how to do The Worm (it's a breakdance move).
He proposed on the top of Snowbird Mountain Resort in June of 2001. I gave him an emphatic yes. We were married in the Oakland Temple August 14th, 2001. Those were such tender memories. We had our reception in my hometown of Eureka, California and were on our way to the Florida Coast the next morning for our Honeymoon. I can't live without him and find myself in awe of him in so many small moments in our lives.
He graduated from the U of U in December 2004 when Gracie wasn't even two yet, we moved to Arizona for a year, and came back to Utah last spring.
He's the kind of person that says things like,
"Sarah, I promise to make you laugh every day of our entire lives... .... [awkward silence]........ ........... ...
C'Mon, LAUGH!!"