Sunday, December 05, 2010

Sunday Photos

Our girls! They confound the wise...

That last shot... is our day in a still frame. Freeze it. Hit repeat. That's our day.

I was flustered at one point today... mess everywhere, everyone was hungry, I was wearing uncomfortable clothes and needed to change. I was holding Matilda on my hip. Her arm outstretched. The light fell into each groove of her plump arm. One crease at her bicep, one in the crook of her arm, one on her forearm. Her hand's knuckles had grooves of their own, tiny shadows resting inside.

I could have eaten that arm like a drumstick. I stopped and looked at it and marveled that I have had four of these miraculous babies.

And then I made lunch.

1 comment:

WADE said...

I miss you all so much!! I'm still upset that I got so sick when I was in Utah. That I wasn't able to sit on your couch love on your babies while you loved on mine!! Tada is getting so big. It breaks my heart not to know her, like I know the others. Thanks for blogging, so that for that minute I feel like I'm still apart of your world! I love you