Friday, September 10, 2010

It's about life.

(You know those kids that you don't know that wait out in their yard and say hi to you as you walk by? And you say hi back but then it's kind of awkward because they're kids and you just want to keep walking and they look super bored and where the heck is their mom? Ya, those were my kids today.)

Today as I had my grocery cart full of food and all my little girls in tow, Grace struck up another chat with me. If you don't already know, it's really hard to talk to a seven year old and grocery shop at the same time. I deserve an award.


She asked me why our basic cable does not include Nickelodeon. I said because I don't want her watching Spongebob and iCarly every day after school, I like her to play with her sisters instead.

She asked me if that was the only reason.

I said, well, it does cost more money, too, so I didn't want to pay extra for all those channels that we don't need.

She said,


"It's not about the money, Mom, it's about life."


Debbi said...

seriously, Sarah. Your blog posts make me smile each and every day. Your girls are the best and you are such a good mom. I love how you describe your life.

I don't even know what iCarly is. We don't have nick either - pbs or disney is all they get to choose from.

miriam said...

oh my heavens, that is the funniest response in the world. you know she's right in a sense, but he placement of that ideal is a little skewed. but what can you expect from a girl at her age and her perspective on what makes life rich.
so awesome.

Emily said...

Love it! I am impressed you went grocery shopping with all your kids. You DO derseve an award!

LuCDay said...

Oh my, I love that Grace. So wise beyond her years!

sharry said...

if only....