But I'll take it. We're eating otter pops in 70 degree weather. It's amazing how much weather changes your mood and lifestyle.
I think I'm a person again. I'm wearing a t-shirt.
There is a baby's shoulder nestled tightly inside the curve of my hipbone. Our bones gently knock together as I walk. Just something I live with on a daily basis. Something that's called "normal". But when you think about it... it's pretty crazy. So human, such a miracle...
And may I add, 9 months is a very long time.
I know how hard winter can be there in UT. Blah for me but gotta love the Spring time and otter pops and hoses. Not so fun with the 9 months pregnant thing, but hey, you are SO close to the finish line!
That is an awesome image. You could win a contest with that one.
Yin and Yang
Summer and Winter
North and South
This picture might be my favorite (ever) on your blog. Full of emotion. I love emotions:)
YAY! Too bad it's snowing today...but we've been loving the sun too. I also SUPER BIG HEART the picture!
Dear Smylies Forever,
I hope this doesn't come across as creepy (though it is Halloween), but I came across your blog last spring via a friend's blog and I loved your thoughts and photos. They made me want to enjoy every moment with my kids and be a better mom. If you have any inclination to get back to blogging (though I can see you've had a few changes to your family that would lower this activity on your to-do list) you will have a happy reader. Thanks from Boston
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