She's small, and better than ice cream, but don't be fooled. Lillie is a hurricane and a couple of tornadoes thrown together. With lightning and thunder follow-up. The only time she quiets down is at bedtime.
I've rocked her to sleep since she was only first born and haven't gone many nights without it. Now that she's gotten older, she accepts my plop into the rocker with a full embrace. She lays there in my arms, in her little flannel blanket envelope, gazing at me. She's calm for the first time, her little pointer finger poking her own cheeks and binky and playing with my bottom lip.
I just wait. Rock and wait.
She gets heavier and slower until her eyes flutter closed and she lays in my arms like a brick. Usually I place her in her crib shortly after, but some nights I give her more inspection.
Last night I stared at her chubby face, her whispy hair just starting to thicken. I watched her suck her binky and I traced the long line of her calf, down to her ankle and her rapidly growing feet. Her toes twitched and I wondered what she was dreaming about. I hope something wonderful.
These are the times I will always remember.
Those moments are precious and fleeting. I love rocking my babies to sleep. I can't sleep well at night unless I do.
Congrats again on babe #4. It's just too exciting!
Beautiful words... I can picture it all. Your photos and blog inspire me. I have a small one my self, 5 months old, and she lights my life. I see how your sweet precious girls do the same for you. I wish you all the best and congratulations on your upcoming bundle of joy!
On another note, I was thinking of calling you for some pictures. I saw your photo blog and you dont live far from us. We are in St Pete. You maybe hearing from me in the future. I have a blog if you'd like to visit. www.razkent.blogspot.com
I will visit again!
I'm just catching up on your blog and am so excited to hear you are pregnant with #4! Yippee!!!! I'm glad you waited to tell us because even 5 days of anticipation is killing me, to find out what you are having. Whichever way things turn out, will be just perfect. Congrats Sarie!
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