Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fun Meter

Despite these photos, taken at Chuck E. Cheese a little while ago, my fun meter is way down. When Ruby asks me to get up and come see a beautiful drawing of me and her together with a sunshine shining and birds all around, that she has cut out of construction paper and placed lovingly on my pillow, I actually contemplate for minutes on end the effort it would take me to fulfill her request. And I'm not even heavy yet.

Pregnancy does strange things to a woman's body. And the damage is different with each child. Volume that once lifted transfers to different areas, usually causing a general gravitational pull of skin to earth. You just start pointing collectively down. Your arm flab, your chin, your eyebrows, even your knees and what used to be your hamstrings. They point, grasping at the ground, reaching for it like it's the last drop of water on earth. And there you are the whole time with the same brain going, "what happened to me? I used to bounce and now I drag".

But that's the pay off. I guess we get to cuddle and nuzzle and get our etible rewards that come in little sacks of bones and organs called newborns. Which bundles turn into naughty 16 month old 'adults'. Seriously, when did that happen?

In other news, by Wednesday we should have an idea of what the heck is in my belly. Mutant boy or mutant girl? We shall see...


LuCDay said...

I'm so excited for you! (Not the sagging part and all, of course) Can't wait for Wednesday!

jakenapril said...

i vote for cute mutant. pretty sure i'll win either way. :)
so love the way you manage to put into words what i, kids, thoughts, and sagging. :) you seriously amaze me.

Lillie said...

THIS is the joy of not finding out until it's bloggable. I just found out your preg and now I get to know with what. WEDNESDAY?! That's soon. Can't wait.

Leanne said...

No way Wednesday?! That's SOON!! Can't wait to find out! :)

Jennifer said...

I love how you can easily put everything in words. Our house is such a mess right now because I'm SO tired when I get home that I just don't have the energy to clean up after Abby. 3 more days and we'll be off and I can catch up then.

I'm still jealous you get an ultrasound tomorrow, but I'm very excited to find out what you are having. :)

Hannah said...

CANT wait, good thing it's Wednesday TODAY! Despite the description of how pregnancy makes you feel, you look so great in the pictures, what a hot mamma:)