Look at them. They're a brood. A troop. A nest of goslings. Thriving and writhing.
Lillie abuses us. Like, physically. She hits a lot, and I try to discipline her a little bit more each time. But I lack the backbone that is necessary to make a real change.
Today Ruby yanked Lillie's binky out of her little mouth and flung it, drool splattering everywhere, against the far wall. And in case someone wonders, no, there was no reason. Lillie took two giant steps and with all the power that her tiny back could gather, slapped Ruby on the forehead.
She kind of deserved it and I kind of giggled.
It's just the way things go.
Your pics of the kids are just like mine - Grace/Ailish always willing to pose, Ruby & Lillie/Rowan & Callum are so over it after just the first shot.
In our household there is always someone who "accidently" hits/pushes/takes. And often I have to pretend to care. xo
I think I just died. Those pictures are pure awesomeness.
I love the way you discipline, I wish I was more like that.
I love those girls Sarie. I like your disciplining. That's most likely how I'm gonna be with my kids someday.
Whenever I think your girls can't get anymore gorgeous you post more pictures. :)
Disciplining is harder than I thought. I always worry about what people think of my discipline - too much, too little, too harsh, not harsh enough, etc etc.
Hopefully I find (or am finding)that happy middle ground. :)
OOOOOOHHHHHH. I KNOOOOOOOOOOW. I am laughing so hard bc the EXACT same thing is happening in our home. I am dying over their faces in these pics. Its hilarious. I am going to do a post on reese sometime today. I am sure you will be able to relate. hang in there. xoxoxoxo
Those three girls. I love these photos. how much more could Grace look like the oldest sister?? beautiful, every one of them.
That is hilarious! I would have love to see Little Lillie take on Ruby!
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