At what point will they realize they absolutely cannot navigate through this life without each other?
That point was definitely not today. They fought like a couple of crude irish vikings. And some of it was just plain laughable because all they did was recoil and sob like they had some sort of crying disorder.
Even as I write this they're still crying in their beds. Grace muttering something about "needing her space".
Ruby is sad because Grace won't let her drape her stinky toes all over her side of the bed (theirs are pushed together. Part of the problem? Perhaps).
Small problems, big drama. But isn't that everyone?
I am determined to show them how much they need each other and (should) love each other, just not sure how.
Sounds like my day today!
Good luck with that! I struggle with the same thing daily. I just don't know how we get from the squabbles and fighting to the magnificent relationships of adult hood. I'm just doing my best and trusting that somehow it will happen!
having multiple children requires constant conflict resolution. it can be so draining. just think what assertive adults they will become! and by then you will be so good at it that you can hire out to help other people:)
We have a saying here in our home, "Friends come and go, but family is forever." It's not an original saying of ours, but it sums up nicely what family means. I remind them of this everday. Perhaps someday, when they are older and wiser (like their awesome mom) the light will click in their heads and they will say, Ah ha, so that's what mom was talking about.
Good luck!
#5 Shelley
This worked for us as siblings it might help you. My mother having left her family not knowing if she will ever see them again and she didn't see them for 30 years or so. Sooo she use to say to us as we were yelling and telling each other to get lost, "There might come a time when you wished you had your sister/brother to talk to but they won't be there, they could be too far away, and then you will be sorry you wasted this time together." Never a truer word spoken. Love your far away Aunt Shelley xoxoxo
ahhh. All caught up. Love you guys
I love reading about your girls! They are absolutely precious. Oh, the joy of sisterhood. LOVE IT!
Oh this photo-- it took my breath away.
What a sweet photo.
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