Tonight is our last night in our [not so fab] apartment. We are moving tomorrow! On Wednesday morning we will wake up to tiled floors, a breakfast bar, brown walls, big bathtubs, blue shutters, a little palm tree out front and a big back yard. We wallowed in indecision just long enough to get a great deal on a house and we are so excited. Photos to come, of course. Happy Thanksgiving, indeed!
Good luck with the move. Cant wait to see pictures of the house, it sounds awesome!
How nice. A space for your family to really throw their weight around. Final up date on the family with all the kids next door?
Can't wait to see your new place. How exciting. And gorgeous pic of Lillie!
Good luck with the move. Look forward to the pics.
Yeah! I'm so excited for you guys! I can't wait to see pictures! ...but sadly this means your move is more permanent and you won't be moving back to Utah anytime soon! :(
Oh! Sounds nice! And very exciting! Does this mean you're staying in FL?
WOOOO HOOOOOO! That's huge.
Blue shutters? THAT sounds divine to me.
FUN!! I can't wait to see the pics!!
WHAT?! you guys got a house?!! congratulations!! i'm jealous and i dont even know what it looks like.:)
A house just means "temporarily more room to run around until we move back West" right? Love ya!
YAY! So excited and jealous of you right now! I can't wait to see pictures, room for all those cute girls will be so nice...but who will look out for that neighbor of yours, the one with 6 kids and her husband in jail?
We're excited for you, but it makes Florida more permanent! Dang- we need ya back in Happy Valley!
SARAH! I was driving yesterday and thought oh I miss Sarah. LOL I have been missin for a bit ;) How exciting on your new house! HOw are you guys. Oh I remembered why I was thinking of you I want your bran muffin recipe, those were so yummy!
Can't wait to see pics!
Congrats!! Share some pictures!
congrats on the new digs! although the moving sucks i'm sure it will be worth it. sure wish i had a palm tree in my back yard. you don't want to see photos of my back yard. happy thanksgiving fo' sho'! can't wait for the pics!
Of course you little Floridian has a palm tree out in front. I love it.
Darling little Lillie.
Oh, Yay! I can't wait to see the photos! I know you all will be so happy in your new abode. :)
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