I casually asked her about it today. Did she give him the note? Yes. But he didn't take it. She forgave him because sometimes, "Nicholas doesn't like to take notes when he doesn't know what it's for". She seemed relaxed and confident still, and continued on with the usual, "Nicholas is so cute. He sure was friendly today to everyone. He talks funny, says his s's funny." A man with a lisp? Perfect! That's my girl, go for the personality!
She's old enough to like a little boy, but still young enough to throw occasional tantrums, write her name on my closet door and suck her thumb. I guess she's been fighting all along for legitimacy and esteem. I see her grown up aspects and I match them up with the toddler still in her and just chuckle to myself. I never knew what perspective parents had!
Apparently they hold hands and he holds other girls' hands, too (Uh, wha??). I treat this matter very delicately as not to disturb our communication balance. I listen and "ooh" and "ahh". Jake mostly stuffs his fists into his pocket, listens to her intently, and pretends he doesn't want to charge into the school and give this little kid a once-over. We've got a long road ahead, lover. Pace yourself.
No way. It happens this early?! They're holding hands? I'm not surprised seeing as how beautiful Grace is that she would have a boyfriend on the third day of school.
Love the way you write Sarah...
Um...so my comment for this post accidently made it on the one below some how. Anyway, if it doens't make sense it's because it goes here instead of there. :o)
OH my, I was laughing so hard when I got to the description of what Jake does when she talks about this. This is so sweet and so funny at the same time. I love it. I wish he would take her note - but I'm glad she was confident and didn't cry.
(Wade gave a girl a note once in 1st grade and she read it to all her friends and they laughed, so he LEFT school and walked home crying! His teacher had to come find him at home!)
Poor Jake is done for with the three cuties you guys have!
Ohhh, ohhh, just wait. I love it. As a first grade teacher I can't even begin tell the notes etc. I've come across. I found a darling "marriage proposal" once in a boy's desk. Of course I showed all the other teachers and his mother--and we all laughed our heads off. Then I put it carefully back and he never knew it had been "borrowed!" I love how they are such grown up babies! With your litte beauty you may want to talk to her about kissing... some schools will send students home no matter how innocent it is. Personally, I think it's kinda cute!
i just love her little face.
i love her look.
i love the bangs.
i love her handwriting.
i love his name.
i love the way she gently hold the paper that it's written on.
i love how she coyly hides behind it.
i just love her.
Adorable! My kids haven't entered the crush stage yet, but I can see it coming.
It happens early sometimes. Ailish did the same...had a boyfriend within the first month of starting school. I disapproved, but I never told her. He wasn't the kind of boy I would have picked for her and his family...well, again not what I would have choosen. 3 years on they are still "boyfriend and girlfriend", no holding hands or anything (although there was some early advances on his side but he got a serious talking too from the teacher) just little flirty gestures. Hence the reason we are sending her to an all girls school once the hormones actually kick in.
Okay, why do we live at almost opposite corners of the continental US? Seriously, I think our girls would have so much fun together. Maybe it's just the personality that automatically comes along with being called Grace and Lily. Congrats on Li'l Lil by the way, she's beautiful and I'm glad everyone is healthy and safe. Love, Rose
She's so young!!! I guess I was a bridesmaid for my best friend in 1st grade! She looks so "in love" holding the note with his name on it!! ... tooo cute! And I was laughing so hard when you were talking about Jake's reaction... so funny!
WHAT? Didn't she just start kindergarten? oh they just think they grow up so fast, and then they do grow up that fast. Look out Nicholas. Who wouldn't fall for those beautiful eyes.
Oh and where did the bangs go?
So cute! He will be afraid of girls soon enough. Or maybe not!
The comment about her name made me laugh. Chelsea did that once in my room above my bed. WHen I asked about it she said "I didn't do it". Lauren was too little and couldn't do it. I said "it must have been your dad".
Too cute.
My guy was Willy...and I turned out okay (let Jake take comfort in that...grin). I loved him until I saw him pick his nose during story time.
Suddenly I didn't love Willy so much anymore.
Nose picking will do that to a girl.
What a player! Grace could probably learn a few things from the "he's just not that into you" guy.
How funny is that story...Her first crush, if you will...I love it....I am dreading the day.
Oh the love saga of a five year old! I love it!
Enjoy it while she is young! Not so cute and fun to watch when they are teenagers.
Love it. She is so cute!
Alexa went through a stage in preschool (yeah she was 3) where she swore she would marry a certain boy and kissed him regularly. Luckily she grew out of that one, but I guess it starts young!
Sarie, that is so funny. Not my little niecey Gracie poo! I love that Jake is super up tight about it, ya gotta live the daddy.
Love you and miss you sarie
Sigh. I've been out of the loop. I'm catching up and thank goodness. This is a good one. I read this right after reading your comment on Missy's blog about how you felt right after Ruby was born. It's amazing that you've gone from that to this. Scary and amazing how they grow up. Too cute.
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