My sister in law Rebecca informed me yesterday that I need to blog more (I think she's just really bored at work sometimes) and I thought I'd pull a little story out of my back pocket.
So Ruby deserves her own blog, her own novel, her own life story, photo montage, biography. She's amazing and she's not even 3. She's been potty trained for quite some time, except for the magical moments when she's sleeping (at night because she stopped taking naps ages ago). Jake likes to sleep. Sometimes I will hear strange things... like Grace will be SCREAMING his name all of the sudden and I'll run downstairs to see what's the matter and Grace is standing over Jake trying to wake him up and the screaming of his name does NOTHING whatsoever, he doesn't even stir.
So the other day Ruby and Jake fell asleep together on the couch (the above picture is actually last night, but the incident was last week. He falls asleep a lot). I lovingly said, "ah" for the fifth time that week and thought "how cute, a husband and a baby sleeping together". So Ruby wakes up eventually and I pay little attention to her physical state, I am roaming from room to room since it was a Saturday and a mom's gotta clean. Always. Well you know that when you were little and you curled up in a ball to go to sleep, you put your hands between your knees... it was comfortable. I passed by Jake and glanced at his hands stuffed between his knees comfortably. So a little time passes and Jake woke up, stood up, and I think he even answered the door. I'm standing in the kitchen and he walks toward me slowly saying, "Sarah, she PEED on me!!!" There was urine all over his shorts. She had peed on him hours ago and he had been sleeping with it, cuddling with it, putting his hands on it, and generally having a lot of involvement with the big urine spot on his clothing. We laughed and laughed. I think the funniest thing about it is that you give so much to your children, every day, every hour, every second you are giving your time to them. And usually, they pay you back by peeing on you. And "peeing" is proverbial, including a wide range of spitting up, talking back, making messes, wrenching your heart strings and eventually appreciating you for everything you do (I think it took me a couple decades to truly appreciate my parents). So Jake got peed on. He kinda deserved it for taking so many naps.
HAHAHAHA! Loved this story and I concur with your sister...you MUST blog more :)
Very funny! Tyson wet on Brad almost every day in his first week of life. It always happened first thing in the morning right before Brad had to leave for work. Brad thought it was so cute:) I don't think we were putting on the diapers tight enough.
ha ha ha. That is so funny sarah. I can just picture the whole scenario. Hilarious.
okay, I was laughing out loud. you have the best stories!
They pay you back by peeing on you. THAT was awesome. I suppose in some weird way, parents deserve it. I mean, afterall, Ruby was walking around in her own pee for a couple of hours. Tit for tat, or something! Thanks for blogging...
Sarah, I am new to the blogging scene. Hope you don't mind, I snagged your blog address off of Lindsey's. Love the story. Makes me feel better for constantly being peed on. I have to agree with you that it is much funnier when it happens to dad. Steve naps too much too, maybe I will put a diaperless Jackson on him when he does, he'll be lucky if it is just pee. j/k. Hope to see ya soon.
Tami Richins
hahahah that is good, I wanna know what the person at the door thought. too funny!
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