But who knew sledding would be dangerous for me? Especially when I don't even ride a sled. When we decided to leave, I walked across the cement pavilion and tripped over a metal hook that stuck up from the ground and fell straight onto my knees and hands. I was holding Lillie's hand and she biffed it as well. Her eskimo jacket narrowly saved her from injury.
I sustained traumatic emotional wounds. Including but not limited to falling when I'm pregnant (scary, risky, scary), and smashing the front of my 50mm lens which was attached to the camera hanging from my neck. It doesn't focus now. I was (am) heartbroken. Now I have to shoot everything in F/4 for the time being. Super duper lame.
On a lighter note, after an overwhelmingly exhausting week, we went to the Visitor's Center on Temple Square and happened to watch a wonderful video presentation upstairs on the values of family. I learned that the most important things to teach our babies, our children, is that they're loved. And that they're a Child of God. How simple is that?
That I can do.
Sarah!! My Mom has even totally BUSTED one of her lenses. . . dropped it on the ground. Absolutely heartbreaking just to hear about. We need to get together. I'm thinking. . .
I hate hearing camera injury stories. Lenses cost as much as freaking babies so it's normal to 'baby' them right?
I'm glad your ok but... NOT THE LENS!!!!
I didn't know you were coming back to Utah! Just wish you came back to our neighborhood! :-) Sledding is dangerous...when my sis and I were in high school, she lost her front tooth sledding. Of course, that doesn't stop us from doing it still!
jake is in his element.
surrounded by beautiful women...
and snow
just now read the actual words of your post.
i'm so sorry about your lens. i would be in tears. expensive fall for which there is no reimbursement. that sucks!
Sad about your fall :( I almost called you today to "play" from 4:30-6:00, then I realized it was 4:45! My day flew by & we were so busy!!! This week is crazy because we have company in town tomorrow-thurs, but after that- we can't wait to get together & play in the snow with you guys :) GREAT pic of the girls & Jake. So cute!
Oh, Sarah. That totally sucks! Both the personal injury and lens. I think I totally eat it at least once every winter whether I'm pregnant or not, but it's way worse if you're pregnant. You can't help but cry like crazy, for me anyway. That's so lame.
Your lens! Oh no--- so so sorry. Glad the baby's ok though. :)
Man! That stinks!!! Glad you are ok.
You got some cute pics though!!!
I love everyone all dresses so warm!
Glad everyone came out ok... minus the lens! so sorry
Hi Sarah,
I haven't been on your blog for soooo long. So much has happened, pregnant, moving, girls growing up. You all look wonderful. I haven't written on my blog for a year and half now. I've been so busy. Last year I went back to work full time and Todd stayed home with the kids, I had a miscarriage and then a burst ectopic pregnancy and then started my own little quilting design business (I'm still working as a speech pathologist full time). Todd and the kids are all doing well and we're still in our tiny house with the big backyard. And we got chickens! I'm no longer Relief Society President, but am loving teaching music in primary. Wish I could come around for a good old chat.
Love Kate
Hey Sarah! Glad you found us...I love blogs, too! :) What a great photographer you are! You'll fit right into this ward. ;)
I'm glad you and your baby girl are okay! Sorry about the lens. I guess it's good the camera didn't get damaged too.
Have fun and be careful!! :)
Scary... and so sorry about your lens... I hate bad moments like that. I'm glad you are ok
okay, so you freaking have enough comments, my goodness. i had to scroll for like ten minutes to get down to where I could post a comment.
I just want to say that your kids look awesome in the hats we gave them. Especially Ruby's. Naomi has a matching one. excetp her's didn't shrink...she didn't try to wash it.
glad you are ok!!!!! sorry about the lens.....LOVE the pic of Jake and the girls!!!!! :) :) :)
Oh so fun, I wish we could be there!!
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