The tear in Lillie's eye is beautiful. She had just woken up from a nap, and always likes to snuggle for a moment. Her head is just too heavy.

When my brother the photographer was here, he tried to take some photos of me and I told him it was really impossible to take a photo of me that I like. But he took one that I kind of do. It's hard to feel beautiful with the ancient shirt, no makeup, no shower, a few extra pounds, but I think as mothers, we really should get photographed more. Like, SEE? I really DO exist, I'm not just the invisible maid!
Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! I love that one of you holding lillie. And the picture of you is beautiful. How come I can't look that good when I have all those elements going on? And I'm not even a mother!
the beautiful exude beauty despite the elements. and you by dear...well, there's just no hiding it.
Yes hiding behind the camera is definately where I feel more comfortable. But everynow and then it is important to document your existence.
LOVE both these shots.
little lillie's tear is so priceless.
And you, my dear should be in "ancient shirt, no makeup, no shower, few extra pounds" more often.
love it.
Aah...that makes me miss you so much and sad that I haven't met Lillie yet. Beautiful as always, I'm thankful for Jared for being the one behind the camera instead of you.
Said so perfectly... and yes.. you are sooo beautiful. Beauty is not always what shows on the outside... it is what is inside and what kind of person you are. You are a "beautiful" mother and that is the most important thing in the entire world! You are shaping your children... the Lord had trusted you with 3 beautiful gifts... you must be AWESOME!!
And yes... I feel the same way sometimes.. invisable.
A great photo, and one your girls will truly cherish as they get older and look back at all the photos...and see just how beautiful their hard-working mommy was/is...
ha. invisible maid. ha. it's true. mothers are never photographed. they are always behind the scenes. xo
You are both beautiful.
sarah. you are so gorgeous. i didnt need this picture to tell you that though. i love you so much and i wish i could have been there to hang out with you guys but you know... my boy. i love ya tons sarie. i love your pictures and can never get enough of your girls!!
you look like a million bucks and like you just put on some fancy, flirty lipstick. but i'm guessing that's natural too? lucky.
and I'm so glad somebody got you and your baby together too. I still love my shots you took.
You are a babe.
a perfect little point of a nose.
a tiny little wedge of a chin.
long, pretty eyelashes.
random, and yet meticulously placed freckles.
you're stunning. breathtakingly beautiful.
Liar. You must have lipgloss on right?
You are absolutely stunning Sarah.
Yeah especially when you went and got the bomb haircut and forgot to tell us. You look so FAB-- your hair color with your freckles... all of it.. oh your brother is so good. I spent forever on his website the other night...
I just came to visit after posting my own "here I am" moment. A little different in execution but the sentiment is still the same.
Gorgeous shot - good for you for posting it!
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