Let's just say, my house probably won't be clean when you come visit. The trash can might be sticky. There might be crayons on the floor and cheerios in the corner. There will probably be a pile of laundry in my bedroom. There might be cobwebs by the porch and a stroller parked on the doormat, and I won't even mention the condition of my van.
But we laugh. A lot. And I try to cook dinner. And the girls run around in their underwear or make water messes. And we laugh, most of the day. And in 20 years, I'll be a happy, laughy woman with a [finally] clean house, who will still be very blessed.
Well put....as usual-you have such a way with words! I have a sign on my wall that says "Please excuse the noise and mess-the kids are busy making happy memories."
And probably you will have lots of beautiful grandchildren running around.
Clean corners and vans are so overrated.
good for you! I've been slower than most to discover this because I was raised by a super clean freak! Even my Mom the other day said "I guess it is a waste of energy to clean all the time with 4 kids" and I about had a heart attack! I never thought she'd get it too! I love the saying your first commenter has on her wall- I'm going to make one for our house! :) your girls are so beautiful by the way!
I LOVE this! I feel like I can never keep my house as clean as it "should" be. It's SO hard to keep up with. When I get home from work (and weekends too) that's my time with Abby and I hate to have to clean the whole time. Sometimes things just don't get done...don't even mention my car...I've been meaning to clean it out for weeks.
You have all the right priorities my friend. I loved this post. I want to copy it and then maybe even add that we'd even miss the dirty corners and piled laundry on the bed (a daily thing at my house it seems).
so do you have to take a pill for that? i just feel like i am after my kids more than we laugh. we all need to be more like you!
too right, sarie. your eloquence puts me to shame. words cannot take the place of the expression on my face at the moment, but i sure love you. and your kids are too cute for words as well.
Yes! Now that's what I'm talkin' about - my kind of housekeeping :)
spending time with your kids is so much more fun than keeping up on your house.
Hi, this is Missy's sister and she told me to talk to you because my baby is breech. I'm almost 37 weeks, she has been this way since my 20 week ultrasound, although she did turn head down at one point for about a week.
Did you do anything to get your baby to turn? Or was it just a miracle? I'm freaking out over the thought of a c-section and that manual turning thing.
Help! Please! mkofford@cox.net
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