Then came Lill. A completely new kind of machine. I couldn't help but excitedly grab the video camera when she waved "BYE BYE!" for the first time today. I made her do all the tricks, this genius child of mine! Though I've seen it all before, it's still so new. She smells different, tastes different, smiles differently, has more teeth. She has almost three pounds on Grace at this age. Though the green snot volume is on a high today and my eyes permanently burn, I absolutely love watching each of these creatures grow up.

Indeed it is amazing how fast they grow up. Did you attend the University of Utah when you were there or did Jake just go. You are an amazing writer! I very much like your style of blogging. Have you written anything like poetry or any stories? You definitely would be good at it!
amen. that's it. just amen.
p.s. so love your blog, your posts, you. thanks!
this is a great blog!
As we embark on our twin adventure, I keep telling myself that two healthy babies will be worth the fat shelf that a C-section will bring. (It's always nice to see the evidence though.)
Lill, you are way too cute!! I love you so much!
oh is it ever worth it. i'm sure. you're a lucky woman.
I wondered before I had my own kids how I would love them as much as I loved my nephew I helped raise for 6 years--then I had my own and the love is SO different--so unconditional. I've been looking at me kids lately and thinking how amazing they are for loveing so unconditionally and forgiving my short comes so quickly. I know why we are supposed to be like them!!
You always think you cant love another...... you always can... thats how God made mothers :)
I really think you should write a book--- or compile your posts into a book--- on motherhood. You write it better than anyone I've read. Your girls will have the MOST precious archives of your intense love for this calling. You always inspire me.
And not that you actually need ANY new tricks, but (since I can't find your email I'm putting it here) here's what I've been doing: I usually increase highlights and shadows a little in picasa. I keep trying to ween myself off of this but ever since you recommended it when I first got my camera, I've been hooked. It really is so easy and quick. Then, for the ones worth taking time on, (these tutu ones, or ones I'll frame etc) I use a couple of actions that my blog-friend Allie put on her blog for free, Curves and Vignettes. I'm embarassed at how little I really understand about what I'm doing. I just drag the layers over and change the opacity until I like how it looks. Curves includes an "increase contrast" "cross process" and "a little less red". I printed some up the other day at Costco and was horrified at how they looked. So I think I go a little overboard sometimes and maybe need to calibrate my monitor. Oh well. I'm having fun. can ya tell? I just wish I had your backyard to take pictures in. And that 50mm. Still so bummed about that.
Hey- I am so excited I found your blog on Lindsey's. We miss having you as neighbors, hope all is well. Your girls are getting so big and that new little Lillie is precious. Send me your email to kinsrae@aol.com and I will add you to our blog list.
That photo of her. The round head, the round cheeks and tiny nose and rolls on her arm. Even the creases in her fingers. The perfect photo capturing BABY. I love it.
I agree with you! I was just as excited and amazed to watch Kale roll over, sit-up, wave, and walk as I was with Alyssa. Children are amazing!
I agree with you! I was just as excited and amazed to watch Kale roll over, sit-up, wave, and walk as I was with Alyssa. Children are amazing!
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