It's almost July. I haven't accomplished many of my New Year's Resolves, but that's ok, it's holiday time. Lehi is like Patriot Station. There are flags EVERYWHERE on every U.S. holiday.. including... like.. pet day, or other made-up days. Seriously. I mean it's great. Lots o' cowboys. There was one today at the store, complete with cowboy hat and chew ring in his back pocket, beer belly trying to peek out from under his plaid shirt. But I loved him anyway. He was taking his little brothers grocery shopping and was yelling at one of them for "hitting your brother in the private". I thought it was funny.
Just cancelled our cable today. I'll miss Disney channel but I won't miss wasting so much time. I am very happy with my relationship with iTunes. It just WORKS. And the iPhone comes out today! Me and electronic gadgets have a harmless crush and I feed it often. I want one. Maybe when my T-mobile contract goes up next year.

Excellent autobiography by the extremely influential Ayaan Hirsi (Magan) Ali. I don't post about books much, I have to come across a really good one. And it may be that I'm very interested in religion, but it's a great text about life as a Muslim girl growing up in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia, turning into a woman who has very strong views, becomes a member of Parliament in Holland and changes liberal Holland forever. Very good.
I think I'm going to write in my real journal for once this year.
Your posts are always so much fun to read! I love the cowboy comment. I bet you see a lot in Lehi. I heard it was roundup days, my sister had to walk in the parade with her kids.
I wish so bad I lived in a place where there were lots of American flags and extra holidays. How come everyone here thinks it's more fashionable to ignore the holiday?
Growing up in Provo we used to make fun of Lehi...now when I try to remember why we did I'm not sure why! I DO know that they have an amazing bakery, nice people and I totally LOVE Footloose...so why I made fun of Lehi is beyond me...oh wait...perhaps it was me being imature about the cowboys who came gunning down P-towns streets in their dodge trucks, complete with FOX stickers on the back and gun rack on back window...nah... :)
ps that books sounds good...thanks for sharing!
oh and I'm SOO glad my perception of Lehi has done a complete 360 :P
hello my dear friend. what is your address?
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