I have left Gracie only one night of her entire four-year life. Our anniversary two years ago. I have never spent a night away from Ruby. I am so nervous to find out what that feels like. I know I will feel an empty feeling and just the mere distance between me and my girls is going to be rough. I know this sounds idiotic... but I just have to be with them, all the time. Don't misinterpret, I have to have my breaks, girl's nights, half a day off, but a weekend is going to be too long. I know I need it and that's why I bought my ticket so long ago. I think I need my kids way more than they need me. They'll be fine without me, hanging out with their dad and my sister, and I will be in California worrying my little heart out.
That aside, we are going to the beach all day Saturday and I plan to drink the ocean air. All day. Even when there is sand in my eyes, nose and ears and when all I can taste is salt. I'm staying til the sun goes down. All the way down. Then we'll drive back to my cousin's house in Murrietta, and drive home on Sunday.
What a sweet reunion it will be to see my lovely little babies again. It's ridiculous that I am going to have the most fun weekend ever, and all I can think about is coming home again. I am a very independent person, I promise...
Looking forward to a sunny weekend- have a great one!
Ohhh, sounds like so much fun! I know all too well about blubbering at concerts. I am a fountain of tears before I even get out of the car! Have fun and enjoy that time on the beach. Just take one of these precious photos, it will help with the separation anxiety.
To answer your question: I don't actually know Erica, she has read my blog and I hers, we just now are fessing up about it!
JEALOUS!!!! I know what you mean about crying when you love an artist...this is what I did when attending the Wiggles concert last year...I was crying because I just couldn't believe I was lucky enought to see them in concert...hahahahaaha....k, hope you could sense the slight sarcasm in that one. Ahhh, the things we do for our kids!
No but really, I am truly jealous you get to see Bjork! I loved going to concerts pre-baby, but after attending a 311 concert with Bret a while back and noticed that the surrounding peeps were all about 16 or so I decided I'd rather listen to my 311 CD at home or while driving up Provo Canyon. You'll have to let me know what the show was like though! Did I mention I'm jealous?!
I know what you mean. I was so excited to go to New York with Jody, and no kids. But about a day before I left them I started getting really emotional and sad. It was SOOO hard and weird to say goodbye. But once I was gone I really enjoyed it. We need these breaks. I think they help us appreciate our little treasures more which results in us being better mothers when we return. Have a fabulous weekend and try to relax! I love Nickel Creek too.
I love Nickel Creek- they played in Reno last week but I unfortunately I was out of town!
Did you know I live in Indio? If you ever need a place to stay for future Cochella-fests... we've got a little room!
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