Next step, ask mom what this sign says. Maybe that's why we came in the first place. To look at a sign. Definitely not the funnest afternoon.
Wait a minute. Did mom just shout that there's an alligator on the opposite shore and then take a picture of it with her camera??? Aren't we in danger?? Shouldn't she be worried??
Well I'm worried. Come on Ruby, let's get the heck out of here. No one seems to be concerned for our safety, so as your big sister, I must take you under my wing. I'm here to protect. If it's in my best interest that is...
After a five-hour flight (much better than the four-day drive Jake had to take) to Florida, we stepped off the plane and the girls said several things. Grace: "That was a LONG flight!" (with a sigh). Ruby from the window of the airplane looking toward the Tampa airport: "I tink I see Daddy!!" Grace: "We are FINALLY in Florida, huh Mommy?" Ruby every day of the entire 12 days we were without Jake: "I really miss Daddy!" (with a super whiny voice). Ruby again: "I can't wait to go swumming!!"
So far we've only gone "swumming" in the faucet outside because of all the cleaning and unpacking to do. We plan on the beach in the next few days, the community pool, a walk by the lake, and lastly, a bath! We hope this finds everyone well and getting ready for Christmas! My holiday preparations so far? I bought a cinnamon candle.
Oh ya know, just a GAP ad.
Sometimes I wish I could spend a day as a two year old boy.
My lovely parents are in town this week and we are loving it!!! I wish I could be close to them all the time. They have to go back home to California on Saturday. There is a photo of them plus some other sessions I have done this week here: www.smyliephoto.blogspot.com .
My day feels like a hurricane sometimes, with two daughters it feels like, "Bits of emotion, flying through the air. Anger, frustration, denial... " (-Chicken Little). Sometimes there is so much crying in my ear I feel as though my brain will either melt or turn to stone and I better leave the room before it explodes. My girls are wound up tight and so carefree in the same moment.
But when they're asleep. When they're asleep. That's when the magic happens and I feel the way I felt when they were newborn babies and I was staring at them wrapped up in a blanket by the low light of a 2a.m. lamp. They were so beautiful they would float, while the world lay so silent. It amazes me how beings so magical can suck every breath from me sometimes, so that I can barely push through to the part of life that needs me next, yet can absolutely give me the breath that keeps my suspended existence intact. These girls are the greatest blessing I have ever been given.