I am in a very reflective mood. I can't believe how old we all are!!! My best friend growing up, Laurel, is going to start 2007 with a 4-yr-old!!! I will have a 4-yr-old in March! Soon they will have kindergarten teachers, then lose some teeth, then I'll be carpooling to junior high???? That's a question more than it is a statement.
Sometimes I feel so stressed out being the mother of two girls. They are bombs waiting to go off and they constantly push me. I tell myself to be patient the whole day and at the end of the day I feel like I have NOTHING left in me. No patience. No buffer for my feelings. Sometimes I end up blowing up over... a pretzel on the ground.. or something. And I thought I was going to have 8 kids!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I don't know how these moms do it.
But.. a lot of times I am so happy I could die and I am happy mostly because of the two aforementioned little monsters of energy and emotions. They literally breathe the breath of meaning and life straight into my lungs. Does anyone else out there feel stressed out and exhausted but wouldn't trade it for the world? That's what I thought. Probably all of you.... except those perfect moms out there that don't get frazzled :)
I'm glad I have friends. Thanks for listening.
You are a cute mom and I love those pictures that your mom-in-law took. I think we are going to buy the canon powershot btw!
I just love those pictures. I need a nice camera like that. Someday I would love to take some classes. I totally agree with you about the exhausted part but would still rather be doing nothing else. I am sure a few years down the road we will be missing these days like crazy. Can you imagine not having a toddler to hug and kiss all the time? It's amazing how you can be soooooo frustrated with them one second and love them more than life the next!
Wait, you've yelled at your kids for spilled prezels? I can't believe that, I would never do anything like that......and in case my sarcaism isn't showing through - I am TOTALLY kidding. I believe just this morning I was saying "Gage pick up those prezels or else it's time out" :)
I think you are the cutest mom ever and I love looking at all the pictures of your girls!
Oh, you are SO not alone about the patience thing. It is definitely learned. And through much practice. And prayer. And trial and error. But sometimes they're so cute I want to go for number 3! But just for a second and the desire is gone.
So true Jeni! I was thinking about having another baby..then I'll have a stressful day and I am like, what was I thinking?????
Lindsey, I am happy to hear that you are getting a new camera! Great decision.
Kelly, your words totally put things into perspective, I really needed to hear that. I love kissing and hugging my girls. I am going to miss it :(
Debbi, love the sarcasm. It's one of your great and many talents.
Thanks for all the uplifts. I needed them.
I posted a comment yesterday and it didn't show up! Basically, I was totally agreeing with you on the kid thing. They can be SO frustrating! But totally lovable, sweet, and hilarious at the same time! I don't think a day goes by that I don't feel completely exhausted by the end, but completely blessed to have these crazy kids!
I absolutely LOVE the pictures you post. They are the greatest!
Oh my goodness! Sarah these are precious. Maybe I could get Donna to follow us around with a camera someday...
Sounds like you need a teenager. Now I love my teenagers to death, but as soon as I got one, the pretzels on the ground..well I wept with joy at the simplicity of the challenge. Suddenly life became so short and I felt the brutal desperation of not having smiled enough, not having enjoyed the childhood enough, saying "I love ou" enough or of having wished too much that they would grow up. I learned to cry real tears and to hug harder, just to keep them close despite my weeknesses and my undeserving days. Fortunately Senioritis hits and guilt over the frustration subsides, (in other words, the frustration becomes fully understandable.) Parenting is truly great and terrible. Great because of the joy and terrible because all the joy is over so quickly. After our Sacramento family reunion, though, I see the joy is magnified tenfold and I see the great and terrible has been passed on to the next generation. Love you Sare, more than you will ever know.
Your family is adorable. Those two girls... so genuinely beautiful and you... so real. I love reading your blogs and I am more than excited that we are in touch this way.
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