Friday, December 29, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Joy to the World

Happy holidays to everyone!! We have made this our year of setting goals and we will put our goals under the tree as gifts to ourselves (I know, cheesy). Writing goals down will make them 100% more achievable. As a sidenote, I don't know about anyone else, but my feet and legs haven't been warm since September. Maybe I should make "getting warm" one of my goals...I just can't handle the cold, and for the past few years I have been either pregnant or nursing during the winter and have been MUCH warmer. But this year I am back to my old self and my old self is COLD. And I can't sit by the heater all day, I've got other things to do... like watch that the heating bill doesn't skyrocket. Kisses and hugs to everyone, we do miss or family and friends that can't be near us.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Good News
Both houses are now under contract! For those who didn't know, we were selling the home we live in as well as the spec home. We are so relieved to have them both under contract! Nothing is completely certain until we sign the closing documents, but it's nice to be closer than ever and we're welcoming any back-up offers. We are set to close on the home we live in on January 15th. So we will move on or before then. We don't really know where, probably an apartment until we can get things figured out... like where we want to live, etc.
This life of ours is crazy.
Jake passed his series 7 (Stock broker) test on Friday, and we're really happy about that... now he has to study for his series 63 (State Broker test). He should be taking that in the next 6 weeks.
Well, that's all the news for now. As a sidenote, we are freezing our behinds off in Utah. Inversion has come and hasn't gone away. Inversion is when the air is super cold and hangs in the valley and is exacerbated by the moisture from the lake... basically, really cold, unhealthy air for weeks on end. No snow, no wind, no rain, just cold. It's a party I tell you.
This life of ours is crazy.
Jake passed his series 7 (Stock broker) test on Friday, and we're really happy about that... now he has to study for his series 63 (State Broker test). He should be taking that in the next 6 weeks.
Well, that's all the news for now. As a sidenote, we are freezing our behinds off in Utah. Inversion has come and hasn't gone away. Inversion is when the air is super cold and hangs in the valley and is exacerbated by the moisture from the lake... basically, really cold, unhealthy air for weeks on end. No snow, no wind, no rain, just cold. It's a party I tell you.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Just some thoughts
I had gone to bed at 12:30 a.m. last night. At 4:30 a.m. my brainfog finally allowed me to spring half an eyelid open. I heard my baby crying from her crib in the next room. My body was like lead, seriously, and the bad attitude came FLOODING toward me. Couldn't escape it. She's 21 months old, do the math, that's almost TWO. And she keeps waking up. Why? WHY? So I turned my feet toward the floor, let my down comforter fall from my shoulder and shivered. So I had to get these legs to lift my body up to walk. There, I did it.. I am running on momentum only. If I stopped walking I would probably just fall back in bed.
Why do kids wake up? Why can't I get ONE full night's sleep without someone wetting the bed, needing a drink, needing to go potty, coming into our bed.. just one night and I would be good for another year! By this time I am opening my bedroom door. I struggle into the dark hallway and my eyes are literally glued shut with sleep. It's the best I can do, so I will just have to remember the distance to open the girl's bedroom door. My hand pushed it open and the crying was razoring my ears. It was so dark and so cold and I was SO TIRED.
In the moment before I bent down to pick up Ruby I thought about those long sleepful nights when I was pregnant with Grace. No school, just full time work and that feeling that one gets when waking up at noon. AHHH. Then the peaceful breakfast that follows. A little email, a little news, orange juice, cereal, toast, donut, whatever happened to be there.. and we used to have to much food because we were married and both working and man were we rich back then.
My mind starts to focus back to the problem at hand. I think maybe I can just back out of the room and she will stop crying, go back to sleep, and I can snuggle back in my covers. No such luck. I reach down to pick her up, glancing over my shoulder at Grace to make sure Ruby's cries aren't waking her....... What? Ruby is burning up! She has a fever, my baby girl has a fever!!! Poor thing! I better rub my eyes so I can wake up and fix her a cup of juice!! Let's get her out of her hot jammies and a cold cloth for her forehead! Let me just run to the bathroom to get the Tylenol! She might need me to stay up all night which would be completely fine! And that's how it is being a mother.
Why do kids wake up? Why can't I get ONE full night's sleep without someone wetting the bed, needing a drink, needing to go potty, coming into our bed.. just one night and I would be good for another year! By this time I am opening my bedroom door. I struggle into the dark hallway and my eyes are literally glued shut with sleep. It's the best I can do, so I will just have to remember the distance to open the girl's bedroom door. My hand pushed it open and the crying was razoring my ears. It was so dark and so cold and I was SO TIRED.
In the moment before I bent down to pick up Ruby I thought about those long sleepful nights when I was pregnant with Grace. No school, just full time work and that feeling that one gets when waking up at noon. AHHH. Then the peaceful breakfast that follows. A little email, a little news, orange juice, cereal, toast, donut, whatever happened to be there.. and we used to have to much food because we were married and both working and man were we rich back then.
My mind starts to focus back to the problem at hand. I think maybe I can just back out of the room and she will stop crying, go back to sleep, and I can snuggle back in my covers. No such luck. I reach down to pick her up, glancing over my shoulder at Grace to make sure Ruby's cries aren't waking her....... What? Ruby is burning up! She has a fever, my baby girl has a fever!!! Poor thing! I better rub my eyes so I can wake up and fix her a cup of juice!! Let's get her out of her hot jammies and a cold cloth for her forehead! Let me just run to the bathroom to get the Tylenol! She might need me to stay up all night which would be completely fine! And that's how it is being a mother.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Mini Jake.

This photo says everything I want to say. But I'll still say it. She is wearing a very beautiful crown of plain white paper stapled together in the back with foam Spongebob stickers all over it. Made by Dad. She is holding a Goldfish cracker that she probably ate in place of 'dinner'. Authorization to skip dinner given by Dad. She has chocolate pudding smeared on her cheeks (she likes to wipe her face with the back of her hand after each bite). Chocolate pudding served by Dad. She is wearing a white T-shirt with chocolate pudding dripped all over it. Mess overlooked by Dad. Her shirt says, "My Dad Rules". Purchased at Old Navy by, none other than, Dad.
Gracie and Jakie have many things in common.
1. A disdain for being told what to do
2. Sugar addiction
3. Healthy enthusiasm for ToysRUs and the 20 minute drive it takes to travel there
4. Love for the snow, no matter the temperature outside
5. Tantrums
6. Kicking things when angry
7. Making funny faces during not-so-funny moments (when I'm mad)
There you have it. Nothing but a Daddy's girl (a mommy's girl most of the day, but a Daddy's girl when it counts!!).
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Mission Call

Life goes by way faster than we'd like it to. I can't believe it's winter here again. We spent last Christmas in our home in Arizona... It was Ruby's first Christmas. That year we got Ruby a sesame street popup music player thingy.. this year she would probably want a doll that talks and cries. Both of the girls have grown up so much in the last year.
Now we are in Utah. Jake went snowboarding yesterday, snowboarding being one of the main reasons we moved back. He likes his job and is looking forward to being a licensed Stock Broker by February. He studies a lot for the tests coming up. Me, I eat Clif Bars for breakfast and hope that I can be a good mom while I make one phone call an hour, surf the MLS all day and try to stay awake. At night we like to watch The Office and eat junk food after the kids are in bed. We just got caught up on Season 3. That's all for now, I am excited for Christmas, so imagine that I baked you some Christmas cookies with this blog entry... chocolate mint brownies... homemade toffee... mmmm...
Monday, November 20, 2006
Kayla, etc.

So. More news. Our investment house is under contract. We are so thrilled. We counteroffered and they accepted it, so we are just waiting for them to get their condo sold and it looks like we will close around December 29. We are very excited. It's fun being in Real Estate!
Tonight I had dinner with Kelly Iorg, Celeste Richardson, Kristan Pratt and husbands. We had fun and ate at Los Hermanos. It just cracks me up how old we all are having kids and families. Friendships just get better with age.
Friday, November 17, 2006
No, they haven't chosen a name!!!! Something to do in the meantime...
The Strange Questions Survey | |
Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?: | Yes! |
What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve date: | Hm... I dated a guy 5 years older than me. |
Ever been in a car wreck?: | Yes. |
Were you popular in high school?: | ... not really. |
Have you ever been on a blind date?: | no. |
Are looks important?: | I wish I could say no, but in this world yes. To me, they're not important at all. |
Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more??: | Yes!!! Many. The longest- Laurel |
By what age would you like to be married?: | Married at 22. |
Does the number of people a person's slept with affect your view of them?: | um, ok. |
Have you ever made a mistake?: | Puuuuhlease, tons! |
Are you a good tipper?: | Ya, after being a waitress I have to tip well. |
What's the most you have spent for a haircut?: | Oh, maybe like 50 bucks. It was worth it! |
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: | Yes of course!! I loved Mr. Chapman and a couple teachers in college were cute. |
Have you ever peed in public?: | In the woods?? |
What song do you want played at your funeral?: | Abide with Me... weird question. |
Would you tell your parents if you were gay?: | Yes. |
What would your last meal be before getting executed?: | A Cafe Rio salad and Reeses. |
Beatles or Stones?: | Beatles all the way. |
If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who?: | Any Al-Queda operative |
Beer, wine or hard liquor?: | yuck yuck and yuck |
Do you have any phobias?: | Yes, I hate bees |
What are your plans for the future?: | Be the best mom ever and have my kids love me and be my best friend!!! |
Do you walk around the house naked?: | Only when we don't have siblings living with us... so not since August. |
If you were an animal what would you be?: | Probably a butterfly... ha ha I hate questions like this. |
Hair color you like on someone you're dating?: | Black |
Would you rather be blind or deaf?: | definitely deaf |
Do you have any special talents?: | I am really good at staying awake. |
What do you do as soon as you walk in the house?: | Take off my shoes. |
Do you like horror or comedy?: | Comedy, for sure. |
Are you missing anyone?: | Yes, my Dad. |
Where do you want to live when you are old?: | By a warm beach. |
Who is the person you can count on the most?: | Jake. |
If you could date any celebrity past or present, who would it be?: | Probably Owen Wilson. He would just make me laugh so hard. |
What did you dream last night?: | I dreamt that we sold our house. |
What is your favorite sport to watch?: | Basketball.. but I hate watching sports. |
Are you named after anyone?: | My Grama Jeannie. |
Non alcoholic drink?: | First choice, water, second, Root Beer and third, Mountain Dew. |
Have you ever been in love?: | Yes. Yes yes. Best feeling in the world. |
Do you sing in the shower?: | No. I have to listen for my kids to make sure they aren't screaming downstairs. |
Have you ever been arrested?: | No. I have been pulled over for drunk driving though. Wasn't drunk. just tired. |
What is your favorite Holiday?: | Christmas, OF COURSE. |
Would you ever get plastic surgery?: | No way. |
Have you ever caught a fish?: | Yes. and as I tried to pull it off my line, it jumped down my waiders. Haven't fished since. |
Take this survey Find more surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
New little cousin.

She is 8lbs 6oz, 20 1/2 inches long.. She was born on Nov. 14th at 10:41 p.m., after a 14 hour labor and Hannah couldn't be happier!!!! She doesn't have a name yet.. we're all waiting patiently.

Thursday, November 09, 2006
Trash and more trash.
Ok, I really needed to demote that HUGE picture of my fake smile. Wow. I feel better. Allow me to be shallow and talk some celeb gossip:
Alright, so I feel I need to discuss a few things. Madonna's adoption. So sometimes I think she should have just given the little boy's Dad enough money to be able to raise his son himself in Africa, where his heritage is. The reason why he was in the orphanage in the first place was because the dad didn't have enough money to feed him.
Another thing: I think Nicole Kidman deserves better than marrying an alcoholic...
Um, and I think it's so weird when everyone talks about Angelina and Brad adopting more kids and how it's so great of them and how they keep saying that they could adopt 10 kids and be happy.. Ok, really, who takes care of the kids? Angelina is filming in India and Brad is doing whatever, working on other movies.. the kids must be with nannies a lot, and how could you be working full time and want to adopt even more kids? I'm confused. I just love judging people that can't defend themselves! (Actually, I feel really guilty reading the mags, but I still must).
One last thing. Reese Witherspoon is separating from her husband. That is so sad. She tries so hard to raise her kids and keep everything together.. Virtually NO ONE can keep their marriage together in Hollywood. It's so sad, these people have EVERYTHING and they can't have a family that stays together. We are lucky.
Any thoughts? Don't be shy.
Alright, so I feel I need to discuss a few things. Madonna's adoption. So sometimes I think she should have just given the little boy's Dad enough money to be able to raise his son himself in Africa, where his heritage is. The reason why he was in the orphanage in the first place was because the dad didn't have enough money to feed him.
Another thing: I think Nicole Kidman deserves better than marrying an alcoholic...
Um, and I think it's so weird when everyone talks about Angelina and Brad adopting more kids and how it's so great of them and how they keep saying that they could adopt 10 kids and be happy.. Ok, really, who takes care of the kids? Angelina is filming in India and Brad is doing whatever, working on other movies.. the kids must be with nannies a lot, and how could you be working full time and want to adopt even more kids? I'm confused. I just love judging people that can't defend themselves! (Actually, I feel really guilty reading the mags, but I still must).
One last thing. Reese Witherspoon is separating from her husband. That is so sad. She tries so hard to raise her kids and keep everything together.. Virtually NO ONE can keep their marriage together in Hollywood. It's so sad, these people have EVERYTHING and they can't have a family that stays together. We are lucky.
Any thoughts? Don't be shy.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Ya, that's me, I'm wearing pearls.

Here's me as a complete professional. I know everything, trust me. I am licensed now and work for Allpro Realty Group. And I have 999 business cards (I gave one away). Real Estate is pretty interesting so far. I have a listing already and also one home under contract. I am so lucky to have so much business so soon!
As for our personal investment property... not sold yet, but we're working on it. We just lowered the price 10K, and we have gotten a few more phone calls. I will keep you posted (especially you, Kelly).
Jake started ETrade today and LOVES it. He will get licensed to work with Securities (stocks, bonds and options) and advise online traders. It's so nice to hear him finally coming home from a job and talking positively about it. We are excited for the future. There are a million things we want to do in the future for business, flight school, MBA program, Law school (puke), and many other ideas. We have to take it one day at a time until we sell our house and then we'll be able to move forward.
Thank you everyone who cares for us so much!
-And- I must finish with- If you or anyone you know wants to buy or sell a home, let me know :)
Much love to all,
Friday, November 03, 2006
Halloween and diaper checking...

This is the funniest picture of all time. Once a mother, always a mother.. even if you're a Nana. Jake's mom, doing my job. *Thank you*

It was EXTREMELY hard to get a photo of the girls sitting still, let alone looking at the camera, so this shot was difficult, but I do what I can...

This is Christian, the cowboy.. with Ruby the princess. This is every much evident in their every day personalities as well. True to form. He is our really good friend's son.. He was even wearing tight wranglers. And a diaper. Too cute.

This photo was hilarious and is pretty self explanatory.. just doing a little vacuuming in her high heels... and pajamas.
Monday, October 30, 2006
It snowed last week. I am wearing a comfy sweatshirt and LOVING that the girls are in bed. This last weekend we had 17 people sleeping in our house. Jake's brother, Levi, got married on Saturday. Every one of the Smylies were in attendance and we all love eachother so much. No one escaped a tear when everyone parted ways on Sunday morning, headed for the airport and some for the open road. I also read some blogs about how fast time goes, how much we cherish our little ones and how we miss them terribly as they grow up and move out on their own. I dread that day... When I watch our parents go through separation anxiety quite often, I realize that it never gets better. The love of a family is so intense and it never subsides.
How can I saturate myself with my girls so that it won't be so hard? Is there a way?
I had the best childhood. I loved being a little girl and I loved growing up in a big family and I loved summers, winters, rain, sun, the beach, and the ever-present smell of mold that pervades every car and house on the northwest coast. I can hear in my mind right now the hum of voices and excitement that happened when all of us were living at home. There was always someone shouting out, or singing, or making messes.
Now, onto grown-up life, I am raising my own girls. It's an amazing experience. One that constantly challenges me and makes days go by really fast and really slow. I can't believe what little blessings my babies are. They're perfect.
Good luck this week, to everyone who reads my blog, and I hope we can hug and kiss our babies a little more often.
How can I saturate myself with my girls so that it won't be so hard? Is there a way?
I had the best childhood. I loved being a little girl and I loved growing up in a big family and I loved summers, winters, rain, sun, the beach, and the ever-present smell of mold that pervades every car and house on the northwest coast. I can hear in my mind right now the hum of voices and excitement that happened when all of us were living at home. There was always someone shouting out, or singing, or making messes.
Now, onto grown-up life, I am raising my own girls. It's an amazing experience. One that constantly challenges me and makes days go by really fast and really slow. I can't believe what little blessings my babies are. They're perfect.
Good luck this week, to everyone who reads my blog, and I hope we can hug and kiss our babies a little more often.
Friday, October 20, 2006
‘We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.’ ~ Carlos Castenada
This quote hit me today. How true this is. I was reading up on some news and just getting so sad about Sudan. The people of Darfur. I just want to bring the 2.5 million displaced African people into my home. They can have my comfy bed and my living room and I'll even let them into the church for shelter, and I'll turn my faucet on and give them my clothes and hug them. I'll tell the idiot running the government over there that he needs to let the U.N. angels administer what they are willing to administer. Why can't people realize the power, delicacy and beauty of life?
Anyway, the quote made me realize how lucky we all are and how little I have to complain about. I need to be strong only for the reason that the sufferers in Sudan are strong while they lose their family members and don't even have water to drink...
This quote hit me today. How true this is. I was reading up on some news and just getting so sad about Sudan. The people of Darfur. I just want to bring the 2.5 million displaced African people into my home. They can have my comfy bed and my living room and I'll even let them into the church for shelter, and I'll turn my faucet on and give them my clothes and hug them. I'll tell the idiot running the government over there that he needs to let the U.N. angels administer what they are willing to administer. Why can't people realize the power, delicacy and beauty of life?
Anyway, the quote made me realize how lucky we all are and how little I have to complain about. I need to be strong only for the reason that the sufferers in Sudan are strong while they lose their family members and don't even have water to drink...
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
My gem, Ruby.
Jake and I went on a date tonight. We went to Cafe Rio and shared a chicken quesadilla and chips and salsa. It was DEEE-LISH. We stopped by Old Navy and bought Grace two pairs of jeans. Poor girl, she is going through a growth spurt and doesn't fit into anything she wore last month, and it's getting SO COLD here.
Then we went to Barnes n' Noble and read books there for a couple of hours. I read "How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk", lots about how family upbringing can effect a marriage. I picked it up off the shelf as a joke for Jake to see, but then started to become interested in the material. I also read some excerpts from, "Mindless Eating, etc.". Interesting research on American eating habits. Jake read up on some "High Times" Marijuana magazine, as a joke for me to see. Joke was soon over and he continued with Forbes Magazine "Top 400 richest men in America". Interesting stuff. He really wants to start his own business eventually. I married an entreprenuer, and he married a good speller.
Friday, October 13, 2006

In other news, I passed my big fat State Real Estate Exam today. It's different than the exam I passed last week. Today's was the big dog. So I get to send in my paperwork and I get my license in the mail and then it's onto whatever's next. "What's next"? I don't know. It's the never-ending question.
It feels so weird to be a mom sometimes. I am a 27-yr old female with a healthy memory, no gray hairs, not too many wrinkles... but being a mom puts me in an entirely different bracket. It's like I've been packaged with a "homely" label and sort of put in a special area for moms. We're essential. But we're a non-make-upped, pony-tailed, non-stylish wasteland of a tired, stressed out face, and we all start looking the same to everyone. I wish it wasn't true, but someone's got to say it. Today I can say it.
The worst part is the ghastly way society treats you. I have spent hours on the phone with professionals lately, particularly since August. I have had to get a few home loans and have worked with several male loan officers, realtors, bankers, the list goes on and on. They shelve me. I'm the 'stay at home mom' or the 'angry wife' and they roll their egocentric eyes at me before I utter my second sentence. I guarantee one thing: when they've had a bad day at the mortgage firm, the first person they call is their wife or their mother. We are essential, beautiful, fiery, intelligent, composed, well-spoken and under-appreciated. All of us.
I will write more when I have calmed down...
I hope all of you have had a great week. Here's to another one.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
It never ends
So. How's everyone out there doing? cyber-friends and non cyber-friends, we are all connected, really. Even if it's just by the moon.. or.. unemployment. I'll explain.
So my husband quit his job. Let that brand itself into your brain tissue. QUIT. Now that you are shocked, I will go on to say the following: Jake has hated his job on and off since he started it in March. We always kind of knew it was temporary, a means to get by while we decided what to do for a career. His job was commission-only pay, which means one month he'll make $7,000 and the next he'll make nothing. Well the "nothing" went on for most of August and all of September and we just couldn't make "nothing" anymore. We're moving onto bigger and better future plans. So he is working at a temp job this month and has a full-time job at e-Trade lined up starting Nov. 6th (albeit a lot less money, let's hear it for steady paychecks, yayayyyy!!!).
Our master plan: While working at e-Trade, he is going to start Heli Flight School (Helicopter) in a few months and will graduate and become an instructor within a year. He has never been more excited about a career! He'll instruct and fly clients. We plan to eventually start our own Heli Service in some exotic place... and the girls will marry natives... hopefully LDS natives... that love in-laws...
Plan B is graduate school. If we go that route, Jake will do a two-year program for Information Technology Management. Basically, MS in Information Systems. Those guys usually start out w/great pay and move up fast. But, they do all have diabetes from being desk-ridden. Jake is prone, so we'll have to see about that one. We don't want to be stuck in a sales job our whole lives. It works for some guys wonderfully, but not for us.
Meanwhile... we have one house for sale up the hill, I just passed my real estate exam Tuesday, and things have never been crazier. Our lives are insane!!! I don't know if we'll stay in our house or move to Provo, where the flight school airport is. School is expensive, so we may need to live in a cheaper place for the next year.
Meanwhile... we have one house for sale up the hill, I just passed my real estate exam Tuesday, and things have never been crazier. Our lives are insane!!! I don't know if we'll stay in our house or move to Provo, where the flight school airport is. School is expensive, so we may need to live in a cheaper place for the next year.
I always told Jake I wanted adventure. I wanted to move to cool places and throw pebbles at conformity and tradition... The day Jake quit he came home and we sat on our sofa together and he turned to me and asked with a smile, "Well, is this adventurous enough for you?" I laughed. A strained, but honest, laugh.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Don't worry Ruby, I feel the same way when Daddy kisses me...

Thursday, September 21, 2006
The Last Trip of the Summer!

My dad phoned me the night before we were to leave for Sacramento. He changed plans and he decided it would be best to stay together and spend the weekend as a family, and not driving down to Yosemite in separate cars and some hiking and some people not, but to stay in Sacramento all together. I was disappointed that I couldn't go to Yosemite, but also relieved that it would be a more relaxed trip. We stayed the first night in a hotel, went through the temple the next day, stayed the next two nights at the Sacramento KOA (which is a comfy little city campground). It was funny when we went to church on Sunday up in the hills of Folsom next to the temple and then went back to our cars that we were basically living out of... we were out of place there but it felt good to be a Medley again.
A Medley vacation is a sweet experience, including but not limited to: always camping, granola bars for breakfast and lunch, either hiking or walking longer distances than one is accustomed to, a continuous and uncontrollable stream of laughter, no showering, lots of weird words and noises coming from my brothers, games late at night, singing harmony, scripture discussions, blissful and constant hyperactivity, and lots of bathroom humor (to my parent's chagrin).
So, basically, it was lots of driving, lots of love, lots of junk food, and TOTALLY worth it.
My family really is, no less than, THE BEST.
Buy this house!!!

This home is 4bd, 2ba, 2000 sq ft and we are asking $299,000. It is located in Lehi, UT, East of the Freeway and close to the Alpine Highway.
We'll see how it goes!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Art and the outdoors.

Laurel, my friend from CA, came with us the first time and I remember sitting on the very edge dangling my feet... I was so dumb! I would never do that now! I've got kids to raise :)
Enough talk for now, I'll be bloggin' when I return.

Friday, September 08, 2006
Kids, etc.

I am in a very reflective mood. I can't believe how old we all are!!! My best friend growing up, Laurel, is going to start 2007 with a 4-yr-old!!! I will have a 4-yr-old in March! Soon they will have kindergarten teachers, then lose some teeth, then I'll be carpooling to junior high???? That's a question more than it is a statement.
Sometimes I feel so stressed out being the mother of two girls. They are bombs waiting to go off and they constantly push me. I tell myself to be patient the whole day and at the end of the day I feel like I have NOTHING left in me. No patience. No buffer for my feelings. Sometimes I end up blowing up over... a pretzel on the ground.. or something. And I thought I was going to have 8 kids!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I don't know how these moms do it.
But.. a lot of times I am so happy I could die and I am happy mostly because of the two aforementioned little monsters of energy and emotions. They literally breathe the breath of meaning and life straight into my lungs. Does anyone else out there feel stressed out and exhausted but wouldn't trade it for the world? That's what I thought. Probably all of you.... except those perfect moms out there that don't get frazzled :)
I'm glad I have friends. Thanks for listening.