Just slightly homeless. Homeless in a very brief circumstance, but the homelessness leaves its print no matter how short. Moved out of a home, can't move into a new one until the stupid appraisal gets reviewed or some such nonsense which will take several more days. Meanwhile, we are living with Hannah, Sean and Kayla, who are all turning out to be great housemates. It snowed today. Something tells me it will be snowing in April like it did last year.
I have been staring at my hands today. They are getting wrinkly. There are real permanent grooves forming in these babies. They are looking like my moms always did, a little extra skin on the under side of the fingers. I loved my mom's hands. Not so fond of what my hands are looking like, but I better love it.. these things only get worse. I have a million things to say and only a few hops of energy left in me tonight. I am so grateful for my family. They give me a piece of asphalt to stand on (and in some cases, live in). I see my sister Hannah almost every day. She is my best friend, and I am so grateful for the gift that she is in my life. She's the only one that I'm not embarassed to cry in front of! Anyone of my siblings would be as close if we lived in the same place, I am sure of that. I love all eight of them with a passionate longevity, surpassing nothing except the love I have for my Jakie and my girls.
It's almost midnight... I'm taking the girls to the Children's Museum tomorrow. There's a new one in the Gateway Mall, downtown Salt Lake, that is supposed to be really great. My blogging community really fulfills me in ways I would never expect. Thanks for always reading and being supportive- everyone. Loves.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Florida: Disneyworld and a Wedding.

Sunday, February 04, 2007
Thursday, February 01, 2007
New hair and lovin' it.

So someone told me today that I don't look old enough to have two kids. THANK YOU. People that say that should win the lottery. Either that, or they have moms and know how much it means for a woman to hear she looks young. Can't believe I'm at the age where I actually start worrying about that!!
The girls and I are going to Florida next week. Jake will join us on Friday, and his sister will be married in the Orlando temple on Saturday. We're excited. I LOVE Florida. Except there is nothing worse than going to a warm location in the dead of winter. I mean, really. Pluck me from 10 degree weather and put me on the beach and I MIGHT shave my legs, definitely don't have a tan, and look sickly next to every single other Floridian. Half of Jake's family are Floridians. I am going to have to burn the heck out of my skin leading up to the day of the wedding- red is better than white.
Sidenote, went blonde again and plan to continue in that direction. Keeping the brounette brain, just changing the hair. Ha ha ha just kiddin. I shriek at the thought of posting a huge blaring photo of my face, but hey, everyone knows what I look like already, so whatever. Just focus on the hair.