I was laughing so hard I had tears. TEARS!!! Thanks to my sister Hannah for sending this to me.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Gideon leaves!

Below is a sequence of kissing scenes starring our missionary, Gideon, and his two lovely and very precocious neices.

Below is my brother, Gideon, who went into the MTC to serve an LDS mission. He will be gone for two years! Going to miss ya Gid. Doesn't he look so tough? He was nervous I think.

Below is my brother, Gideon, who went into the MTC to serve an LDS mission. He will be gone for two years! Going to miss ya Gid. Doesn't he look so tough? He was nervous I think.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Let's try this again

So that's the news for now. I am getting so excited for our trip to Florida in February! I am dying for Spring... I can almost smell it coming.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Jobs and goals

So. I got an at-home job doing email customer support for H&R Block. It's temporary, just until April, but it's really great money and I can work while the kids are screaming and running around! I will be working really early in the morning, but Jake got a later shift at work, starting at 1pm, so he will be running the house in the mornings while I am upstairs on the computer (this is what I normally try to have happen, but now I officially have to be on the computer, so to me it's more money and a grand excuse). I think I overheard him say something to Grace like, "Gracie, we are going to make pancakes every day and go to Toys R Us!!" Ya.. we'll see how long that lasts!!
Well, we have lived in our new house for a week. It's a lot nicer than the one we lived in before, but we are selling this one still. We'll see what kind of offers we get and go from there. Now that we only own one house, things are a lot simpler.
My brother Gideon left to go home for 2 weeks before his mission! I already miss ya, Gid! He'll be going to the MTC on Jan 24th and to Atlanta sometime after that.
I am going to start a goal list for 2007. I will try my best to achieve all of them. I think I'll start it on the right-hand column. Here goes nothin'.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
New Year's Eve

I am being sarcastic, but really, we had a great time. It was so nice to be 'away', and we really do have so many things to be grateful for.
NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS: 1. Be a better wife and mother (the specifics of which I will keep confidential :) 2. Help achieve our financial goals for 2007. And last but not least... 3. For heaven's sake, keep blogging!!!!!