Sunday, January 09, 2011

Sunday Photos

Ruby's got seasonal depression disorder...

January is flying by already. This week is the halfway point!

Grace: We are working on "talking nice". You seem to have many emerging strengths, but dealing with your anger and disagreements kindly is not one of them. You got in trouble last night for talking back to me and your dad. He dealt with the discussion part this time and when he was done you came to me to apologize. I was still annoyed at the way you acted, but I hugged you strongly and rested my chin on your head. You were so so tall then. So tall it hit me hard--- my growing, learning, struggling, blossoming girl. Tears rushed to my eyes, pushed through and drowned my eyelids until they spilled onto my cheek.

Ruby: You're so emotional, and it certainly shows in these shots. I frequently whisper in your ear: "Wanna snuggle all day with me in my bed? Just you and me, snuggling and loving?" Your eyes sparkle with, "yes". When you have an off day, you are ridiculously loud and emotional... I dry your crocodile tears and try to be fair. But your face when you cry, it's so sincere, it's so sad. Your touch is magical. You play with my hair and two seconds in I could fall asleep. Just like that.

Lillie: You are sick tonight. You threw up and your dad got you to the sink just in time. He hugged your body and brought you to the couch and held you until you fell asleep. We have a strong connection to you, all of us. We all try so hard to satisfy you, and through it all we come out loving you for miles and miles.

Matilda: You wake up in the night still. You want me to hold you a lot. You still don't cry much. You do the strangest thing. You scream... louder than any baby I've ever heard or had. It's part of the way you talk. It's part of your daily conversation. My eardrum splits and you don't care, you just keep on screaming. You grin, your neck gets skinny, your eyebrows raise, and we all plug our ears. You're gonna be my soprano.

Jacob--- You did something really loveable today. While I put our food in the crockpot, you sat on the couch and painted our girls' nails. And dried them with a blowdryer. And you combed and did their hair...    Love....


miriam said...

i love ruby's pouting face, i love her rattail she has even though jake did her hair. i love lillies lips all red from the candy she was eating, matilda's face that shines above all the rest in a few of those photos. i love your tears for grace, and the way you shared jake's story. how lucky we are to be women, to see the world through the most beautiful pair of glasses.

Rebecca Smylie said...

Did we ever luck out when we got Smylie men...

sarah said...

aaww.....this post made me feel all warm and happy inside.

Kristen said...

Love these pics, love Ruby's precious.....and what an awesome daddy...too cool!!!!

Dee said...

Yes the Smylie heart is indefinable. Love.

Jennifer said...

I know that I should be in bed, but I'm glad I decided to do one last your blog. :)

I love it...all of it! :)

Ethan was such a quiet baby, but not so much anymore. He will yell at you, but not in the high pitch scream that Abby had...has. If I am anywhere in sight he prefers to be within inches of me. I secretly love it. :-)

Unknown said...

I guess the next blog post explains Ruby's face in these photos. If she only knew the flu was coming.

Unknown said...

I guess the next blog post explains Ruby's face in these photos. If she only knew the flu was coming.