Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Not Your Regular Troublemaker.

Dear Ruby,
I need you to go to the bathroom more often. So we don't have so many little accidents. I know you can do it, I visualize dry panties every single morning, but you don't hold up your end of the deal. That's the first thing. Secondly, please stop screaming about everything. I know your brain must be pumping with unused energy and emotion, but I can't handle it when you scream. Something inside of me wants to blow out your candle, just to get a few moments of silence. I don't want to be unkind, but the volume you display only forces me to react unfavorably. See, I know that Good Ruby will come back. I know she's only just hanging her head in the corner while Monster Ruby is here. Good Ruby: I'm waiting, hurry along.

I love you. From the moment you were born you have had power over me that Grace didn't. A different feeling surrounded you. You snuggled, you purred, you slowed down for me when I needed some affection. I have always felt very close to you and rarely at odds. These days I feel you slip away from my warm side while you discover your own person. Painful, but necessary.

You fell asleep next to me tonight. You will probably never know how it felt for me to cradle your thin body against mine, so long and tall. You'll never know all the thoughts I had while I watched your chest rise and fall, slowing down, until you were fast asleep. I remembered in sequence most of today's happenings, most of the things you said and asked for, and the phrases you repeated over and over. You're a puzzle, a test, a goal, a challenge... And one heck of a little daughter.


Unknown said...

This is Jarie the Fairy. Leaving a comment. Your blog is tight. You should figure out a way to back all that stuff up cause if the host goes down, oo, you'd lose a lot of amazing record of the girls' life. I love reading it though. I feel like I'm able to keep up with them growing so fast. I can't wait to see you guys.

kevin said...

a little children's benadryl works wonders....

Dee said...

Zac, Zac, Zac and Zac.

Ash said...

I LOVE Ruby duby duby!!!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love 3 year olds! I'm in the same boat you are. Tyrannical three's they call it and boy do they mean it. My first went through this phase but didn't have the willpower that my youngest seems to posess. And the screaming... Are they angry or is that the only way they know how to deal with their feelings. As much as I try to cherish the days while my children are still young, I anxiously wait for him to turn 4 and perhaps a new leaf.

Let me know if you get any good tips for dealing with three year olds in the meantime.

P.S. - Love your blog, writing style and photos. You should write a book.

Anonymous in NY

Anonymous said...

kiss those ruby lips for me. that picture is just a perfect capture of her.

love to all...

Kim said...

What a beautiful little letter. I swear Ruby and Penelope have the same exact personality. Your letter made me cry.

Lillie said...

I've always had the name Ruby on my list. That just made me want it more. She's cool, that one. Sorry you have to be the victim of her 3-year-old-horrible-but-cool ness. But we know it's worth it.

Rebecca Smylie said...

She will get though, right? She'll get when hers falls asleep next to her some thirty years from now. I got chills. Love it-

WADE said...

Oh Ruby, I miss your laugh, your little voice, and the way you say lui, I miss listening to you tease Grace when you were ment to be sleeping. I miss your kisses and how you would always tell me secrets about candy. I love you so much, and ... I miss you!!

cowgurs said...

the only memory i have about your ruby is one that will for sure get jake in trouble. the one time he left ruby with me when she was a little baby so him and greg could run to filibertos, and she screamed like a baby dinosaur with her hair on fire and looked around frantically for jake for about 20 minutes straight! i've never experienced a baby that couldnt be distracted away from her initial upset situation. such focus. such determination. ruby, i dont know you, but i applaud your passion!

Rhiannon said...

I was thinking that my kid was the only one to have screaming fits. Phoenix is usually such a cuddly boy as well but just recently he has been a monster. I'm glad that someone else is going through the same things. It makes me feel like I'm not alone.
P.S. I was searching for some material today and ran across something that I had made for Grace when we were at SWA it was before she was born and you told me the a different middle name than what she was named. When I saw that it just brought back fun memories.

S.A.S. said...

I love every letter you write to your daughters. I think I might love the ones written in moments of frustration most, actually: hilarious, relateable, yet brimming with love in spite of it all. I still laugh about the pee slipe and slide incident.

Jessiesmylieyahoo,com said...
