Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Positive Note {no. 1}

-Reading THIS blog has inspired me to be a better person, mother, friend, sister and wife. I am going forward with more positivity, creativity and a zest for appreciating the little things.
-Today Ruby and I skipped T.V. time and read some books together.
-I talked to three of my sisters.
-The Terminix guy came to spray and he was so nice to Ruby. He carried a conversation with her while he worked and even said goodbye to her by name when he left. I love nice people!
-I ordered a very squidgy Halloween costume for Lillie. She is going to be GOR-GEOUS.
-Might be moving into a house next month. Halle-freaking-lujah.


Shar said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

What a great post. Since Stephanie's plane crashed, I've realized that life is short. Really short. And I can't waste time by being angry with the little things my kid does. And the like.

And three girls. Wow. You are busy!

And do you pronounce your name like "sorry" or "sair-ee" or neither. Either way, it's really pretty and I've never heard it before.

Debbi said...

Yippie for a house, that is great news for your family! I can't wait to see the costume too. I love it when (service) people come to your house and are nice and answer the questions your ids ask. I swear my boys love maintence men and sometimes they just don't talk to them...which makes me sad, because to my boys, they have the most awesome jobs in the world - they fix stuff all day long and use tools...funny.

I think we've all been inspired by that family. It really makes you stop and think each day.

Jessiesmylieyahoo,com said...


Anonymous said...

i have read another site in connection with this family. i am thankful that i continue to be amazed at the power of love, family, and the human spirit. i am especially thankful for the awe i still feel everytime the Spirit and blessings of Heavenly Father manifest themselves in the lives of myself and others. sometimes we need that reminder to just appreciate the little things that make up this big thing we call life.

Dee said...

Be inspired. Choose your attitude. I find these things help me to stop going down the same old path.

Josh, Kim & Kids said...

Thanks for the link to Nie Nie, I have never been so inspired as a mother.

Jennifer said...

I definitely need to appreciate the little things more! Congrats on the house possibility. I know you will be SO happy to get out of the apartment and into a house.

Unknown said...

I say Halle-freaking-lujah too. All the time in fact. And who knew a bug killer could be so sweet. :)

Lillie said...

A house! Can't wait for an update. I forget--- did you sell the one in UT? Rent it?