Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

My dad and others right before my baptism.

Jake and his dad.

Jake getting teary at newborn Ruby.

Jake and Grace getting crazy as always.

Jake and little Rubes in Florida.

Grace and her Papa Smylie.

Fathers. My dad is the Beatles. And Jimi Hendrix. He is patient, kind, indellible. He skips around, never ever stops moving. He hikes all the time, doesn't act his age, flirts with my mom and makes me cry when I think of him. I miss him so much. If only we could have everything we had growing up AND our new families. My dad will absolutely take any situation and deeply believe that there is something positive and something to learn from. He teaches me still, every day, with his memory and his example. I hope he lives forever, because I don't know how to exist without him.

My Father in law. A gem of a human being. He is loving, kind, loving, and loving. He has accepted and loved me since the moment I met him and the Smylie family revolves around his wit, knowledge, talents, stories, opinions, music and influence. I love him.

Jakie. When we got married he talked about his grandmother one night and I felt in that room a thousand generations of his legacy. His CARING way, his love for the women in his life and the way he would love his children. We knew we would love it. When I was 39 weeks pregnant, I just assumed that when I went into labor and had my baby Grace, I would hold her, smell her, know she was mine. I knew I would cry. I knew I would love her because I had felt her in my body. What I didn't know was how much Jake would love her. How he would sit in the rocking chair with her long after I was asleep. The hospital was quiet, in the wee hours in the morning and Jake was still up, holding his new daughter, talking to her. Even from day one he knew how to talk to her. That's more than I knew. I was shocked, stunned, and knew I had a lot to learn from him. Now he's the father of my two girls and far exceeds expectations of all kinds. He is not comparable to any other father I know, he is outstanding, amazing. Soulful.
I love the fathers in my life.


Kim said...

This is a very nice tribute to your fathers- I love it!

Unknown said...

Oh wow, chills all over the place. Sarah--a long time ago I was dating Levi and read your blog for the first time and it made me want to be a Smylie. Now I AM a Smylie and I read your blog and get chills thinking, "I know what's she's talking about." I can't wait for Levi to be a Dad. I am unbearably grateful that the example he has of being a dad is from Steve Smylie--who better? And, I'm glad that I can hear you talk about Jake being a dad and have evidence before the fact that this next generation of Smylies have good fathering in them.

maren out my laundry said...

You ahve such a way with words sarah you amaze me! What a beautiful tribute!

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